View Full Version : Process for finishing table

12th April 2018, 02:18 PM
So this is my first ever table and not sure how to go about finishing it. I will use osmo poly x and i figure 1 coat bottom and 2 coats on the top will be enough? Any thoughts on this - or does poly x really need 2 coats? and 2 coats on the hoop legs.

Should I do the bottom first, wait for it to set, flip it and then do a coat on the top, wait for that to set and do final coat on the top?

Or is it ok to do bottom, flip it and do the top (but I assume my fingers will leave marks)?

And for the leg have it off the table and apply 2 coats just on a bench


12th April 2018, 03:13 PM
I haven't used Osmo Poly X, so no nothing about re-coat times.

I'd do the same number of coats on the underside as on the top.
I'd do the underside, flip, then do the top being sure to maintain a wet edge on the sides -- which is possibly not as easy as it sounds.

I'd do the leg separately to the rest of the table.