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View Full Version : Pyrography machine from 30V/10A DC variable power supply???

1st June 2018, 07:39 PM
Been researching building my own pyrography machine to do some texturing/colouring work on my turning i.e. heavier burning

- The priddle vaporizer from a battery charger looked promising but the price for a suitable battery charger is a bit silly - even second hand - so that has been scratched off the list

- Next was looking at using a PC power supply with PWM and MOSFET

while checking aliexpress for the PWM and MOSFET i came across a number of variable DC power supplies rated at 30V/10A and got to thinking .... why couldn't I just use one of them at ~3V with 5-10A or even pushing up to 6v if I wanted to be silly??

Am I smoking my socks or could that work?
