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14th June 2018, 09:58 PM
I’ve been commissioned by my wife to turn a ice cream handle for a ice cream scoop kit.
Two problems first I can’t wriggle my way out of saying I can’t do it.
That would result in either violence towards me or play zone sold off for $3.47 on eBay.

Second problem and the more serious one, I can’t find any decent pics on google that we like.
There fairly plan and ordinary looking.
We generally like stuff that’s is a bit more ornate something like you would have found in a Victoria ice cream shop would be fantastic.
I’m also aware tho ,that it does have to function and be comfortable in the hand.

Anyone with any fancy handles kicking around in the kitchen.
Or maybe even on a tool or something.

Cheers Matt,

15th June 2018, 02:52 AM
I'm from the UK. Oneof your Professional turners did a demo at our club and one of the things he producedwas this letter opener. Maybe you can scale up the thickness a little.437314

15th June 2018, 04:00 AM

These are handles (bottom of post) intended for Japanese kitchen knives. With epoxy glue the are not hard to make. May give you some ideas.

If you skim through this thread you can see several combinations:



Skew ChiDAMN!!
15th June 2018, 01:44 PM
I reckon you can't go past a replica Berg chisel handle, complete with hoops & decal.

Then, when the #$%&! freezer sets the ice-cream harder than a politician's heart, you can break out the wooden mallet... :rolleyes:

15th June 2018, 04:24 PM
Matt. I prefer a more classic look and feel and allow the timber to be the subject of interest.

15th June 2018, 06:43 PM
Thank gentleman,
Paul, I couldn’t up load the thread for some reason.
But there similar to what the pen tuners do.
So you have given me some food for thought.
Skew not sure I would be aloud to keep a chisel in kitchen but I’m definitely with you on ice cream turning to ice lol.
Pat there very nicely done, I also do like the timber to be centre of attraction,but just with a hint of few curves here or there [emoji6].

Cheers Matt

15th June 2018, 06:53 PM
Thank gentleman,
Paul, I couldn’t up load the thread for some reason.
But there similar to what the pen tuners do.
So you have given me some food for thought.
Skew not sure I would be aloud to keep a chisel in kitchen but I’m definitely with you on ice cream turning to ice lol.
Pat there very nicely done, I also do like the timber to be centre of attraction,but just with a hint of few curves here or there [emoji6].

Cheers Matt


The link works OK for me. Just put "composite knife handles" into the search. Try that way.

I like Skew's idea. You may not be allowed a chisel in the kitchen, but think how much ice cream you could have in the shed.


15th June 2018, 07:33 PM

The link works OK for me. Just put "composite knife handles" into the search. Try that way.

I like Skew's idea. You may not be allowed a chisel in the kitchen, but think how much ice cream you could have in the shed.


The funny thing is I hate the cold, will only have ice cream when it’s hot.
Sally on the other hand, would be looking for a ice cream van while being a tourist in Antartica [emoji849].

Cheers Matt,

15th June 2018, 07:47 PM
Matt, the place for ice cream, is Iceland.

Trust me when I say their ice cream and yoghurt (skyr) is just astounding.



Erpsstaðir uses its own organic skyr -- possibly the most Icelandic of dairy products -- and coats it with luxurious white chocolate to create a delightful treat. To up the cute factor, the whole thing is shaped like a cow udder and packaged beautifully in colourful wrapping.



16th June 2018, 05:14 AM
try and pick up a 5" bottle stopper blank like pictured below,

https://www.beartoothwoods.com/catalog/images/CB_lava.jpg (https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjRzLHjotbbAhXGbrwKHYS7CNAQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.beartoothwoods.com%2Fcatalog%2Fproduct_info.php%3Fproducts_id%3D2830&psig=AOvVaw2uYFVZdqP2SN9T_I0VfkI9&ust=1529172810006526)

16th June 2018, 06:09 AM
For a wide range of larger resin blanks try Woodturningz (http://www.woodturningz.com/Inlace_Acrylester_Spindles.html?showall=1).

I suggest that you do not show Sally as she will fall in love with a colour choice and then you will be forced to purchase that one and a few of their pen blanks to make the shipping worthwhile . . . hint, hint:;

16th June 2018, 12:31 PM
Here's a photo of a multi axis ice cream scoop handle I made. It's triangular and very nice to use

28th July 2018, 03:44 PM
Well this turned out, pun intended excalty the opposite of my grand ideas for being eccentric.
After considerable discussion with the client.
A couple of test runs in pine, with comments like na take that off, lengthy that, thin that down.
We ended up with this [emoji849][emoji849][emoji849].

Poor pics to hide mistakes shhhhh.

O well clients happy, and I get to live another day.
Plus have an order for a second one from Sis.[emoji41]

Cheers Matt,

29th July 2018, 05:47 AM
All we can ever ask for is a happy customer. Especially if it's the Good Lady.

29th July 2018, 05:26 PM
Well done Matt, happy wife , happy life , and more turning , doesn, t get any better than that:U

29th July 2018, 06:02 PM
Thanks for all the kind words the other one is well on its way too.

Cheers Matt

3rd August 2018, 01:13 PM
Is your sister asking for a simple practical handle or do you have a level of unreserved creativity��

3rd August 2018, 01:18 PM
Um I think sister will be greatfull for what ever comes her way[emoji41][emoji41]

Cheers Matt

3rd August 2018, 01:23 PM
Is your sister asking for a simple practical handle or do you have a level of unreserved creativity��

Sorry Christos,
Were there pics attached to this ??
I’m just get two lots of numbers.

Cheers Matt

3rd August 2018, 05:45 PM
No photos. I am using a new phone and I think it inserted a smiley from the phone.