View Full Version : Golfing Partner

Bob H
8th October 2005, 06:52 AM
Here is the lady's friend.

21 X 13 inches, 92 pieces.
I thought this one might be somewhat easiere to do than the woman galfer. He has many more pieces which can be cut from a single piece of wood (timber) rather than separate bits with grain running every which way. But it wasn't any easier,in part because of more and smaller pieces.
Not much in the way of exotic woods used. Mostly Western red Cedar with a bit of Basswood and Aspen (white) and a little Black walnut.
The trickiest part was the face. Nose, Eye,Eyelid and eybrow are all separately cut. Pretty tiny bits.
Here is a close up.
Look like anybody you know?

8th October 2005, 11:01 PM
Look like anybody you know?
Tiger Woods? :D

Seriously though, very nice piece.

jim p
9th October 2005, 01:17 AM
yes very nice well done ,

9th October 2005, 06:56 PM
Again another nice work.. :)

To bad there is not real green color wood for the grass :)

9th October 2005, 08:04 PM
wow thats incredible . Well done !

Wood Butcher
9th October 2005, 08:54 PM
Bob H, you have way more patience than I do. The golfer looks fantastic. Well Done.