View Full Version : My woodwork challenge I put on youtube

18th August 2018, 11:38 PM
Hello all!

My buddy and I challenged each other to make the classiest cigar ashtray using only scrap wood. For added fun, we pulled out the cameras and editing software and made a 22 minute "show" on our process and critique of our build. (Us sitting at a bar drinking beer and bashing on each other.)

Our hope was to influence others to pick up a hammer and have fun building. Any suggestions on challenge number 2???

For anyone interested, The mini show is called "ManCaveMaven - Build competition - Cigar ashtray"




P.S. If you watch the video, any feedback, suggestions, etc. is appreciated!

24th August 2018, 10:21 PM

Hello again from he United States!

I had some feedback that the woodwork competition was a little long, I condensed it down to almost half. Please check I out and enjoy! (link above)