View Full Version : Dual Purpose Pen?

Gary H
10th February 2019, 10:01 PM
This was made for a special order from my largest and most demanding (and non paying) customer - a grandson. No he did not ask that it also serve as a honey dipper :D. He asked for grooves to provide a better grip., Well, the customer is always right, so he ended up with New Guinea Rosewood using a Streamline kit, finished with EEE and Shellawax Glow. And still didn't pay !



10th February 2019, 11:03 PM
You have to remember that the customer is always right Gary, not sure how far that extends when the customer doesn’t pay though :rolleyes:.
You could be onto something there with that design Gary :wink:

11th February 2019, 11:40 AM
WE have 50 G Children and GGChildren total for 42 yrs we have sent them each two cards per yr one for birthdays and one at Christmas. Every one of them received a handmaid quilt full bed size then later cot sized following their birth. We have received a few letters of thanks,the cards contain money up until they reached about 18 yrs of age. On our 50th wedding anniversary (now 63 yrs married) I made a Huon Pine Burl pen for all the males in the family,not often acknowledged and my wife made a cloth box with part of her wedding dress enclosed etc. I am a reactor married to a lovely pacifist lady who simple says it does not matter.

My wife makes huge numbers of care Bears for the Red Cross,on one occasion I carried in the huge sack feeling like Santa Claus and the woman at the reception simply threw the sack in a corner behind the counter,in a voice resembling the roar of a bull I demanded she plck the sack (clear plastic) on the counter ,look my wife in the eye and say thank you (my wife kicked me in the shin)..My charitable lady also knits layettes for new born dead babies the Hospital staff simply place these on a table where all and sundry mix and match taking what they feel like in quantity etc including normal delivery new mums.Can you imagine how I feel. Like mixed feelings ( in jest) like watching your motherinlaw drive over a cliff in your new car.

In your case I would confirm your family intentions and yours to remove the possibility of conflict at least giving you a choice to give or have one taken. Like the pen.



Gary H
11th February 2019, 01:25 PM
Thanks Brad and Peter. He's a good kid and really appreciates anything made of timber. I could threaten him, but I'm only 6'3" and he's taller than me (and swings a really mean baseball bat!). And yes. Peter, I took your advice and made sure the refill was extended for the photo. But you didn't tell me to remove the lump of wax off the end. :doh:

Cheers, Gary

18th February 2019, 06:37 AM
Better than making to his specs, get him with you on the lathe and you will both be rewarded with his efforts.

19th February 2019, 08:21 PM
He's taller then you???????? Well you should be calling him sir and churning out all the pens he desires!!!

Gary H
20th February 2019, 10:08 AM
Brainstrust, you're not far wrong. He's taller than me, as well as younger and fitter (damn it). Given a choice between making him a few pens or feeding him for a week makes the pens look mighty cheap. :wink: