View Full Version : Good ole Murphy's law strikes again

24th February 2019, 05:35 PM
Ok last week I bought myself my first router which was a 1600 watt ryobi, yesterday I had posted some pictures on facebook of my workbench project. Well this arvo I was around at my mother and stepfathers house having a beer with them and I got asked have you bought a router my reply yes I have, my stepfather pipes up and says I have one here you could have used you only had to ask my reply to that was last time I asked to borrow a circular saw you handed me a blunt old handsaw (and I still have that handsaw) so I hadn't asked since. Any way he pulls out this 1200 watt black and decker router (KW900E) he bought it new around 10 years ago to show me and he hadn't even used then he turned around and said it is yours you can have it so I was not going to say no to that as he had been clearing out stuff he no longer wants (incidentally he also gave me a wood lathe he bought new 20 years ago and he hasn't used that either) as my mum and step dad are getting ready to move into a retirement village and had been offering stuff to all of the family but they all turned down the wood working stuff except the compound mitre saw. So I will be cherishing this one so now I have two routers the ryobi can have the 1/2" collet in there permanently and the black and decker I was given is a 1/4" so works out well.


24th February 2019, 08:31 PM
Just look at it this way, if you hadn't have brought the Ryobi you wouldn't have 2 routers now. One for the table and one for freehand use. Always good to be able to leave one in the table so it's ready to go. You'll be amazed at how convenient that is down the track.

24th February 2019, 09:10 PM
Just look at it this way, if you hadn't have brought the Ryobi you wouldn't have 2 routers now. One for the table and one for freehand use. Always good to be able to leave one in the table so it's ready to go. You'll be amazed at how convenient that is down the track.

You hit the nail right on the head Dallas now to decide which one goes into the table once those clamps arrive for the triton but it is highly on the cards it will be the ryobi that goes into the table even though it is comfortable to use for freehand work but the black and decker is smoother and easier to plunge than the ryobi which could be a better choice for the table when it comes to adjusting the cutting heights.

25th February 2019, 10:18 AM
I would be putting the Ryobi in the table as I think you said that one can take 1/2" bits. You are more likely to use larger bits with 1/2" shank in the table rather than freehand.

25th February 2019, 07:32 PM
I would be putting the Ryobi in the table as I think you said that one can take 1/2" bits. You are more likely to use larger bits with 1/2" shank in the table rather than freehand.

That is correct the ryobi has 1/4 and 1/2 inch collets and I will be leaving the 1/2" in the ryobi and it will be the one going in the table I will use the B&D for the freehand stuff. I also found a video today on how to make a basic router lift using a scissor jack so I have got an idea that I am looking at to make one to use on the triton MK3 to raise and lower the router.