View Full Version : Southern Tas "Channel" get together.

26th March 2019, 11:48 AM
Seeing as there have been a couple of "locals" in the channel region sign up recently, why not catch up over coffee/tea at someone's shed to put some faces to names, and get to know our neighbours a little?

Naturally anyone interested in travelling from further afield would be most welcome!

I'm happy to provide the venue in Margate, but just as happy for someone else to host if they'd prefer.

If there's interest, what would work best for people? Week day evening or weekend?


26th March 2019, 12:01 PM
Hi Lance

What a great idea! Thanks for organising.

I'm very keen, and also quite flexible around day and time. Happy to fit in with others.

Regards Adam

26th March 2019, 01:38 PM
I'd love an excuse to go over again. $$$could be an issue but I'll follow this to see how it develops

The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art

26th March 2019, 01:53 PM
I'm interested in attending but sadly Saturday (need to travel from Launceston) would be the only day that works for me and that is probably too restrictive.

26th March 2019, 03:51 PM
Good to see the Taswegians jumping on board with a get together. They are always a great way to make new friends and get an idea of what others do.

26th March 2019, 04:10 PM
I can make a Saturday if that's ok with others.

26th March 2019, 04:12 PM

I am interested. Golf on Wednesday and Saturday but any other day or time should be OK


26th March 2019, 04:29 PM
Great that there are a couple of takers. I figured if no-one showed up, I'd just have a cup to tea in the shed with my wife anyway (as she does a fair bit of woodworking too).

I'll leave the thread to run for a couple of days to get more preferences, then will nominate a day/time and firm something up :)


artful bodger
27th March 2019, 08:25 PM
Well, seeing as Margate is just down the road reckon I'd be up for it. Any day suits with a bit of notice.

28th March 2019, 07:34 AM
Yes, I am interested too. Hobart to Margate shouldn't take long !! Notice is all I would need, except Mondays.


28th March 2019, 04:53 PM
Depends on the days - a few little foreman around at my place so timing and notice is definitely important

28th March 2019, 06:05 PM
Thanks all for the responses. It should be fun.

I’ll propose the evening of Thursday 11th of April (two weeks from today), which allows us to get in before the Easter holidays.

Time 7-9pm should be late enough for those needing to put little kids to bed, and early enough to not fall asleep at work the next day. If you can’t make the whole time, come when you can.

I’ll provide the coffee and tea. If you’ve been working on something interesting, bring it along for show and tell.

I’ll PM anyone who responds (or has already) with my address.


28th March 2019, 07:10 PM

I should be able to make it.


28th March 2019, 09:52 PM
Don't forget the photos so we can see our friends across the water and their special projects if they appear.

29th March 2019, 09:10 AM
Excellent, thanks Lance.

I'll be there at 7pm (assuming it goes ahead).

I'll bring the Disston D-8 panel saw I've been restoring.

Regards Adam

1st April 2019, 11:23 AM
(assuming it goes ahead)
No question, it will be on :)

2nd April 2019, 11:37 AM
See you on the 11th :2tsup:

9th April 2019, 10:26 AM

Only two days to go.

Thursday 11 April, 7-9 PM, Margate, Tas
If you don't yet have my address, send me a PM :)

Here's a sneak preview of some of the attractions for Thursday evening:

"The trials and tribulations of restoring a hand saw, and developing a new addiction" by Adam
"Dovetails, from zero to hero(ish). What a week's worth of learning to do dovetails by hand looks like" by Lance
"Curved panel lamination. How the figure-it-out-as-you-go-with-what-you-have-on-hand method can produce outstanding results" by Maja
"What-is-this-timber guessing game. Using sight, smell and touch, help Lance figure out some mystery timbers he's had in a box for years" by Anyone more knowledgeable than Lance


9th April 2019, 02:13 PM
Sounds like a great evening coming up. Don't forget, we want photos.:wink:

9th April 2019, 02:26 PM

See you on Thursday


10th April 2019, 11:26 AM
Love it, Lance! Very clever :)

See you tomorrow

Regards Adam

11th April 2019, 02:49 PM
Sorry Ladies & Gents was fully intending on making an "appearance" this evening but as it has a habit of doing life has got in the way - hope it goes off well and please keep me in mind next time one comes around



11th April 2019, 06:33 PM
That's ok Scott. Our house number had disappeared again, so just put up a new one to make sure no one gets lost!


11th April 2019, 11:00 PM
Thanks to MikeF, Stratman, Yvan and Maja for making it a great evening of stories and show and tell.


Yvan brought along an infill plane of his. We all marvelled at it's craftsmanship and weight. And the massive cutting iron! In fact, his one plane was more imposing than my entire plane collection!

MikeF brought a collection of boxes he has made. We examined the crisp mitres of his square boxes, and oohed and ahhed at his bandsawn box with the incredible grain depth on the front (which he assured us was the easiest to make, though we remain sceptical). The three on the right are Mike's whilst the three at the back are from my box graveyard. The large one on the left front is my work in progress, and my first french polishing attempt. Mike also brought a photo of a boat he's finishing up and hopping to get in the water over the Easter weekend! Quite an achievement. :oo:

And the one everyone wants to see, Adam's saw restoration. Pictures don't do it justice, it really is beautiful, especially the handle. And just because we were doing group shots, my saw keeping it company :-.

I showed off my week's worth of learning to hand cut dovetails. Why I put my first and worst attempt in the front of the photo is a mystery :doh:. Everyone was most gracious though. I went through the papa bear, mama bear and baby bear process though. First pine which was far to soft, then thought I'd better try a harder timber to switched to spotted gum; too hard. I finally settled on Tassie Oak; just right.

Then we went inside, where Maja showed off some of her handy work. Here everyone is examining her bathroom vanity, with curved door and lovely blackwood top (she made the picture and frame too).

Then we finished off with hot drinks and plum cake from our garden (the plums, not the cake), and discussed magazine subscriptions with the latest FWW having freshly arrived today.

Thanks again to everyone for making it a most enjoyable evening.


12th April 2019, 12:47 AM
What a great evening Lance, Maja, Ivan and Mike!
And what a great post, Lance. You've captured the night beautifully.
Thanks again for organising. It was great to meet everyone, and your family, Lance - and what a creative one at that!

We all had different stories and backgrounds/woodworking journeys but the same passion and commonality in the wood and the joinery.
Brilliant evening.

Regards Adam

12th April 2019, 08:16 AM
Thanks Lance & Maja for a great evening! :clap3:


12th April 2019, 11:22 AM
Sounds like a fantastic evening was had by all with some great works and talents on display including your dovetails Lance. I understand your pain with the dovetails as I also started with Pine and found it difficult to get decent faces and fits due to the softness and Tassie Oak was just right.
I hope this is the start of a long friendship for you all through this wonderful passion of woodworking.
Can you tell us who is who in the first photo?

PS. If I am reading this right and you say that Maja made the vanity and picture she is a very talented lady.

12th April 2019, 11:29 AM
Lance and Maja. It was great to meet some other Forum members.
We will need to do this again in a few months.

12th April 2019, 11:35 AM
I am the scruffy looking one on the right :)

12th April 2019, 10:58 PM
Maja and I are on the left.

Funny story, being Tasmania, is very hard to go anywhere and not bump into someone you know, so were wondering when people turned up if we'd realise we already knew each other from another context. It turned out that none of us had ever met before. Fast forward 12 hours, and Maja was out for a walk this morning, and bumped into Matt (metaphorically, he was driving past).

Another funny story, when explaining to the kids that we were hosting the get together my 16 year old daughter asked how I knew "the people". She was horrified that I only knew them from "the internet", and had invited them to our house. Great that our discussions about internet safety were obviously effective, and gave an opportunity to have a good discussion about calculated risk, and establishing safeguards.

And the last funny (and touching) story. My eldest daughter came home whilst we were all having a drink inside, and went onto the shed to have a look at the "exhibits" people brought along. When she saw my WIP French polished box she concluded that "those people really know there stuff". Then after everyone had left, the box was still there, and she realised I must have made it, and was suitably impressed. It's nice to know I can still awe my kids. :)


13th April 2019, 08:52 AM
Yvan is next to the scruffy one !! :U

13th April 2019, 11:15 AM
I am the other one

15th April 2019, 10:09 AM
Think that was me that drove past that morning :)

Well, I also saw Maja walking with a couple of friends that morning :)

15th April 2019, 02:13 PM
Think that was me that drove past that morning :)
Gah, wrong name, correct person, and I can't edit the post to correct my mistake! :-


19th April 2019, 09:08 AM
Hey Lance, this is a fantastic post - and it sounds like a really good night. I'm sad I have only just stumbled on it today. I have recently moved to the Huon area (Wattle Grove) from Sydney and would love to be a part of any future get-togethers. Great to know there are some keen and friendly woodies in my new home area.

19th April 2019, 09:27 AM
I'm at Nowhere Else..can't make it.By the way Taswegians Carbatec at Lonny has been sold and will not be limited by the franchise any more..new products being brought in.

19th April 2019, 09:30 AM
Hey Lance, this is a fantastic post - and it sounds like a really good night. I'm sad I have only just stumbled on it today. I have recently moved to the Huon area (Wattle Grove) from Sydney and would love to be a part of any future get-togethers. Great to know there are some keen and friendly woodies in my new home area.

Hi Pete,

It was great, so we’ll certainly do another one! I thought it may be fun to make it a quarterly event, and see how we go. If you’re ever after a bit of wood chat, I’m sure most of us locals would love to offer you a coffee (or some such)! Just flick me/us a pm any time :)


23rd April 2019, 09:30 PM
Welcome to Tassie, Pete.

You must be loving it down there in Wattle Grove. A beautiful place. I used to visit a family friends' farm in Lower Wattle Grove regularly as a child.

Look forward to meeting you one day.

Regards Adam

25th April 2019, 02:37 PM
Got to love our Tasmanian town names, Mick! To be honest I'd never heard of Nowhere Else (had to look it up)! What a great name.

Regards Adam

4th September 2019, 11:23 AM
Just a heads up for those subscribed to this thread, I've posted another get together at https://www.woodworkforums.com/f303/southern-tas-spring-19-a-230140#post2154893.
I hope you can make it!

Kind regards,