View Full Version : May challenge - still a pen

6th May 2019, 03:50 PM
As Mother's Day is coming up, I managed to knock these out over the weekend and this morning. They aren't writing pens, but perfume pens, for when SWMBO needs a touch up.

And one for the mother-in-law.


I was trying out different shapes to see which which looks better as I wasn't a fan of the straight version.

Gary H
6th May 2019, 06:27 PM
Lookin' good, Fumbler. My vote's for the colour on the left and the shapes on the right. They will be much appreciated, and will smell better than the (writing) pens I make :wink:

6th May 2019, 07:22 PM
Nice work Fumbler, the ladies should be pleased with those.

6th May 2019, 07:27 PM
Lookin' good, Fumbler. My vote's for the colour on the left and the shapes on the right. They will be much appreciated, and will smell better than the (writing) pens I make :wink:

My fav shape is the far right but with the lid the same dia as the body. My next few will be that style, and hand picked for certain people, navy blue, emerald, deep red. And as I was like a bull in a china shop thinking I could drill straight free hand, I blew 2 apart, 2 poly resin opal finish both chosen by the wife and mother in law, so another 4 already drilled, tubes and milled ready to go with one ready for finish sanding.

the only resin is funny stuff, dusty as all hell, but going through from 120/240/400, then 600/1200 wet/dry + micromesh to 12000, it's a smashing gloss.