View Full Version : Dominator Automatic Garage Door Opener

25th October 2005, 12:32 PM

shot in the dark here....

I have a dominator remote garage door opener, that has been 'bumped' as part of painting the ceiling in my garage. This bumb (by swmbo) did nothing more than dislodge the wires...problem is which way to put them back on....

We are the third owners so we don't have the manual, the web site for the NZ company doesn't have a pdf or similar...I sent them an e-mail asking a question about which wire goes where and they simply gave me a number of a technician to conduct a service call.....hmmm 5 mintues work...and he is 200Km away...

Anyone got one of these and have a manual that explain which wires go where?

25th October 2005, 12:51 PM
I think ours is the dominator model - I'll look when I get home.....

25th October 2005, 02:17 PM
thanks..any help would be appreciated....it will fix a whole heap of trial and error!

25th October 2005, 05:44 PM
I definitely have a dominator at home. I will check tonight too.

One thing to note - don't lose or break your remote. They are going to stop making them soon (or so I was told when I bought one 6 months ago).


25th October 2005, 05:48 PM
By the way, which wires did you dislodge - the power wires (mine is plugged into a normal 10a GPO) or the wires to the button on the wall?

If it is the latter, there are a few screw connectors on the front of the machine that need to be looped to open the door). A switch simply creates a temporary connection that opens or shuts the door once. My sparkie fixed it for me with some speaker wire :eek . I can't recall exactly which screws, but he said it was low voltage (the loop that is, not the motor) so it should be a matter of trial and error. I will try and post a pic tonight.


26th October 2005, 11:22 AM
The ones that have been dislodged are the ones from the blue control box to the three screws, labeled A, B, C...Note this includes the ones from the wall as they are crimped together....the power is fine....standard 10amp gpo in the ceiling....

thanks in anticiaption...I guess I really need which colours are connected where.

26th October 2005, 11:25 AM
sheyet. I forgot to check last night. Will do it tonight for sure!

You can work it out by trial and error. My sparkie just used a screw to connect two of the screws - keep going until the door opens!

Will chekc tonight.


26th October 2005, 12:08 PM
I checked ours at home - the door is dominator but the automatic controller is not - couldn't see the wires you mention.


26th October 2005, 08:50 PM

Attached is a photo of my opener. As you can see, the wires are attached to the top two screws. My wires are not colour coded, so I am not sure which one goes where. I don't actually think it matters.

Note that the cable hanign down is an aerial for your remote.

I hope this is useful.



27th October 2005, 10:06 AM

thanks very much...I don't suppose I could trouble you for a photo of the wires/board under the blue plastic cover...

I have more wires than this...ones that come from the switch in the wall as I believe the ones you have do...and some that come to the same terminals from the blue cover that I think haev something to do with the remote....

So a quick snap of the other side would be really handy.


27th October 2005, 10:15 AM
Hi Spartan

No worries. Glad to be of help.

The two wires you see there definitely come from the wall switch.

I'm not sure what you mean about the blue plastic cover - the plastic cover you can see in my photo is grey. Did you want a shot of inside this cover? Or the other end of the opener (the end with the light)? I'm out tonight, but I may be able to do it when I get home.


27th October 2005, 01:58 PM
Uhmm, On mine, on the right hand side as I face towards the door is a small blue case, I think it is to do with the remote as it has the wires coming from it to the ABC and also a small antenna..I need a photo of the inside of that little box....

27th October 2005, 02:18 PM
Right. Not sure if I have one of those boxes. I will look tonight. I thought the while cable you can see in the photo was for the remote...

In any case, they are the only wires that I can see attached to the ABC screws.


28th October 2005, 01:22 AM
I just checked the opener. It doesn't look like I have a blue box similar to the one you mentioned. Perhaps I have a different model.

In any case, this is what my machine looks like

Let me know if there is something else that will help.


28th October 2005, 08:26 AM
G'day I know I am getting of the subject. However, I am just building a garage. How good are the dominator door openers. How much do they cost. Are you happy with them



28th October 2005, 09:49 AM
Hi Bear

Not sure how much they cost. Pretty happy with mine. I've heard that they are going to stop producing spares for the old machines soon, but you'll probably be buying a new one so it won't matter.


28th October 2005, 10:08 AM

Thanks for all your help thus far, it has been fantastic!(Hence the greenie for you!)

it looks as though you have a later model, the remote part my even be after market. I guess the point will be that I need to create a short between A and B for the door to go up or down....It would be handy to know what the 'C' Screw was for..

28th October 2005, 10:14 AM
Give it a go. If it doesn't work, it looks like you might need to call in the pros!


29th September 2007, 12:21 AM
I lost my Dominator remote garage door opener (315mhz) recently and I have been told that the New Zealand company has stopped producing this kind of opener (315mhz) anymore, so I want to know if anyone has a spare one.

I live both in Canberra and Melbourne.


Wooder at Home
12th December 2007, 12:04 AM
Dear Bear
I am a garage door installer with qualifications in Dominator / ATA / Merlin / B&D(which is ATA) and all facits of doors (rolla/Tilta/sectional)

If you require more info or a quote please call me on 0405 597 111


G'day I know I am getting of the subject. However, I am just building a garage. How good are the dominator door openers. How much do they cost. Are you happy with them

