View Full Version : My wife wants eggs

1st September 2019, 06:13 PM
My wife has requested a bowl of wooden eggs, so I have started making a few.
Thanks to TTIT's web site I have made myself a egg chuck and a template similar to his.
After my fifth attempt I think I have got the shape pretty well, now to see if I can replicate it :U:U
I have plenty of jarrah and sheoak in the wood pile so she will have to settle for those for now.


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Mr Brush
2nd September 2019, 02:54 PM
Eggs..quisite :2tsup:

2nd September 2019, 05:43 PM
After my fifth attempt I think I have got the shape pretty well, now to see if I can replicate it


Nicely done Rick.


Uncle Al
2nd September 2019, 06:29 PM
Don't let Fence Furniture see these, he will either want to cook them, peel them or eat them! https://www.woodworkforums.com/f120/mastering-humble-boiled-egg-peeling-221898?highlight=boiled+eggs

Good looking eggs. Do you have Jacaranda over there?. It would be a nice colour to go with your clutch.


2nd September 2019, 06:57 PM
Good looking eggs. Do you have Jacaranda over there?. It would be a nice colour to go with your clutch.


I have seen a few trees around. will have to see what I can scrounge. Found a piece of Oregon Pine and that came up well.
I'm just having fun practicing my skills, saw one guy on youtube cutting eggs with a skew no sanding very impressive. Every time I put a skew to a piece of wood it seems to launch itself across the workshop, need more practice :doh:


2nd September 2019, 07:02 PM

What are the dimensions of the eggs or can they be variable and what length do you start out with as a minimum for turning purposes? I have often thought that it is a wonderful project for wood samples. In fact, I think there was somebody of renown who did just that, but as usual I can't remember who it was: Every time he encountered a new piece of wood he turned up an egg as a momento. My limited memory is that he had ever such a lot!


2nd September 2019, 07:07 PM

What are the dimensions of the eggs or can they be variable and what length do you start out with as a minimum for turning purposes? I have often thought that it is a wonderful project for wood samples. In fact, I think there was somebody of renown who did just that, but as usual I can't remember who it was: Every time he encountered a new piece of wood he turned up an egg as a momento. My limited memory is that he had ever such a lot!


This will enlighten you

ttit - The egg collection. (https://www.ttit.id.au/eggpage/eggmain.htm)


2nd September 2019, 09:44 PM
A great eggample of what you can achieve if you eggnore the setbacks..........hmmmmmm :rolleyes:

3rd September 2019, 09:26 PM
Three more to the collection

Oregon- scrap from the shed
Marri and some sort of gum possibly a Salmon Gum found in the wood pile

I will have to keep looking and I might find a couple more species around the yard :D:D:D

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