View Full Version : Headphone stand

3rd October 2019, 03:18 PM
I was given a big chunk of King Billy pine by my parents when I started woodworking last year. It was an odd size/shape so I wasn't sure what I was going to use it for. Anyway, I bought a pair of headphones as a reward for giving up smoking (6 weeks tomorrow!) and thought I would put the King Billy to use with this stand. No fancy joinery here. Cut out the King Billy with my $50 80s bandsaw (worked a treat!) and used a wood turning platter blank (I'm assuming that's what it was) for the base. Just dowelled and glued with a central screw to clamp (which I left in for added strength).

Regards Adam


3rd October 2019, 03:19 PM
Cool, nice idea.

11th October 2019, 03:46 AM
great idea, and congrats on the 6wk mark. think of all the tools you'll now be able to buy with the extra cash!! I'm trying, but admittedly very unsuccessfully maybe put it in terms that my brain can understand other than just the health benefits.... I'll make a list of what I want and see how many packets that equates too which will then calculate how long it will take ie Packs/day ratio.

full credit to you for both.

11th October 2019, 10:19 AM
Thanks Fumbler

That's a good idea. It's scary how much we spend! I think putting it in terms of the packs/day will be the best driver. Apparently that's one of the best deterrents for smokers (according to a 'news' report I saw recently). They said that having dollar values on the cigarettes, as opposed to the health warnings, seems to work the best. I hate to think of the 10s and 10s of thousands I've spent on the darn things over my smoking life! It'd be over $100k by now. Easily.

I wish you every success when you try!

Regards Adam

11th October 2019, 01:23 PM
That's a really neat idea Adam. All it takes sometimes is to think outside the square.
Giving up the smokes, won't be long and you will be able to start enjoying the aromas of the wood you are working with which will take your enjoyment to the next level.

11th October 2019, 04:32 PM
Thanks very much Dallas

Yeah this is my first design since taking up 'proper' woodworking (as opposed to some if the things I've built with more general carpentry methods). It was rewarding to see the end product. And it's useful! And I kept it for myself :-)

It sits on my desk at work so helps me get through the day until I'm back in the shed ;-)

Regards Adam