View Full Version : Whaaaaaaahoooooooo!!

Wild Dingo
29th October 2005, 08:08 PM

Today I had my first EVER go on the lathe :eek: ... flamin whangdangdoodle!!! :p :D Man am I ever rapt with this thing :cool:

There I was muckin around setting up the incra fence on the 10HB and giving that its first real workout... ooooh sweet heaven!! smooth silent and ooooohhh so acurate ooh yeah "3x3 Tuart I SPIT ON YOU!!" says the saw... "3x3 Jarrah HA! I SPIT ON YOU TOO!!!" says the saw didnt matter what I threw at it it cut it like butter smooth as silk... so anyway Im sorta rapt smiling a mile wide

And Im about to pack up when the lathe called... "Oi big fella! yer wanna give me a rub?" nope! I aint ready for you you hussy I thought still packin things away and she called again "oooohhhh you can do it its easy and Im such a smooth operator you will just love me" nope!! DAMNIT Im not ready yet!

I had decided that the bandsaw the thicknesser and the lathe could wait till I had the shed with a nice smooth stable concrete floor... but this floosy just wouldnt let up so I though sigh why not just turn her on? so I did... soooooooo smooth... wind her up a tad... "oooohhh yessssssssssssss" she hissed as she twirled... so I turned her off :( yes she was disapointed but I was comin back to her ;)

At first I couldnt find the chisels... seems the young fella had put them away just as I asked him to... but where??? And after a 10 minute search I found them

So I get me specks on grab the old face mask I permanently borrowed from the Main Roads many years back when I worked there and faced up to her.. found a nice peice of jarrh well I think it was jarrah rough as guts it was used as a glut at one time so under the surface you wouldnt have a clue what was there... anyway she seemed square enough for a short burst so I cut her to 12in long and had an argument with the supanova2 scroll chuck thingy but finally it stayed put in the jaws so I figured thats a good sign... set the pointy thing into the end bit and got them mated up... mmm... remembered reading somewhere to set up the chisel rest so it was just less than 1/4in away from the peice so I did that

grasped a brand spankin new chisel in hand... now yer gonna ask me which one right? well damned if I know!! Bloody wide mouthed half round thing... an faced up to the big virgin wench sittin impatiently on the bench I bought special for her... sending a telepathic message to her "BE BLOODY NICE!" and with a smile she whirled into gear and turned the knob full blast...

the peice twirled like a ballet dancer on viagra and extacy... mmm... so slowed her down and set the speed at 750rpm... mmmm doesnt seem fast enough now... so I arc her up to 1000rpm thats better and front the chisel to the rest...gather breath... shes purrin like a hot an relaxed kitten... anyone else remember Eartha Kitt?? like that... pppppppppuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... so I gently slid the chisel toward the wood

REMEMBER I have NEVER EVER even started one of these buggars before... EVER!... :( but brother have I done some reading!! ;)

chimpa chimpa chimpa back off Shane... mmmm turn her off... check out me handy work... mmm I think to meself that rest seems too low... so lift her up so shes just above halfway mark of the timber peice... turn her back on she purrrrrrrrrs right up to 1200rpms and I looked at the timber twirling and thought... mmmm thats better so I faced up again and placed the chisel onto the rest slid it in gently oooooooooooooohhh it felt soooooooooo flamin good!! bits of timber flyin everywhere!!! man it was somethin else

I walked it up about 5in steady steady... then when I figured I had gone about far enough for now I turned her off again... MAN!! Half the timbers outsides had gone!! from 2in thick she was down to 1in all round!!!!!!! whoooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

So I race over to where the rest of the chisels are waitin patiently... pick a chisel any chisel whispers the wench from the bench... so I grab the pointy one thats the one with the V end? and away I go back to my now smiling lathe... gently start her up wind the little button up to 1200rpms and place the chisel onto the tool rest breath deep Shane... face it into the workpeice gently gently... oooooooooooh so nice smooth wee cut happenin gently turn it the cut widens a tad... amazing!!! turn it off

And through the chisels I went... spent over an hour with her this arvo... most fun Ive had with woodworking gear in many years!!! WONDEROUS!! :cool:

Covered in chips and small shavings everywhere! up me nose in me hair through me clothes EVERYWHER!! but heck it was flamin great!! :cool:

And NO Im not showin the abortion I ended up turning!!! :eek: But the colors and swirls in the wood!! AFLAMINMAZING!!! pinks through to deep reds stunning NOW!! NOW I can see what turns you fellas on about wood turning :D ;)

oh its this one... the MSL-3815


Just thought Id let you know that Id finally bitten the bullet and had a go... and am a total convert to the joys of lathes!! :cool:

Andy Mac
29th October 2005, 08:16 PM
Hey Wild Dingo,
Thats some ride she's given you:D I think you're lathe-struck!!!:p
Does your better half know....?

Go for it.

29th October 2005, 08:57 PM
Looks like another one LOST to the turncoat side! :eek:

Great story though! ;) :D

29th October 2005, 09:06 PM
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeee,,,,,,Haaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wacko Dingo. :D Fan-Efen-tastic.

, ya cheeky bugga !!!! :D

29th October 2005, 09:07 PM
Love your enthusiasm Shane, enjoy the ride, it can be quite addictive..... says Kev who has spent part of today and again tomorrow demonstrating turning at the Hobart Timber & Working with Wood Show.

Kev M

29th October 2005, 09:30 PM
Shane, congratulations, are you sure you don't write comedy, still laughing in my bundy.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
29th October 2005, 09:51 PM
SSSSH! Not so loud! If the darksiders find out about it the next thing we know they'll be trying to convert us all to pole lathes... :rolleyes:

29th October 2005, 09:58 PM
SSSSH! Not so loud! If the darksiders find out about it the next thing we know they'll be trying to convert us all to pole lathes... :rolleyes:

What !!!,,,,,,your NOT a darksider. Shame, I was just beginning to like you. ;)

(sigh) PoLe lathes... blahh, blahh. You know what you can do with your pole lathe....you can shove that up ya 5214245 ....oh, forgot to hold down the shift button....try again

you can shove that up your @#$@$#%@!$# !!! so there.

29th October 2005, 10:04 PM
Shane, congratulations, are you sure you don't write comedy, still laughing in my bundy.

Its alright to laugh INTO your bundy, just don't laugh WHILE drinking it, eh.

Happens, quite a lot while on this site I think. Just recently, a poor yank was reading a post, and laughed so hard WHILE he was swallowing, that whisky came out his nose, all over his keyboard. Poor buggers never been the same. (sniff) Get well soon mate (sniff) :(

Wild Dingo
29th October 2005, 10:16 PM
Me? A darksider?? well I'll be buggared :eek:

Maybe Ive been wrong all this time cause I always thought a darksider was one of them fellas that only uses the old methods?? you know doin hand stuff the hard old fashioned way? :D

Me I like my machines!!! Actually I LOVE EM!! they make stuff sooo easy I just have to be the conductor and they play the music and craft the sounds I like to see :cool:

Sadly they havent yet figured a way to have stuff be used and stay PERMANENTLY sharp :rolleyes: :(

Next tart thats been whisperin to me is the bandsaw... I know I know I can hear you screaming at me missy scroll saw!! :mad: and you you wretched big sharpening round stone thing you just remain where you are till Ive had time to get the ruddy shed up and built you a nice new bench all for you! :rolleyes: ... but I tell you it was a bit of a choice out there today what with the saw going soooooo smooth and me having so many timber boards that need cutting down to size and what with her highness the virgin wench lathe suducin me like she did and the bandsaw just whimperin and sobbin quietly I really didnt get a chance to see if the luscious thicknesser wants me to have another burl at getting her arced up poor dear she is and jealous!! MAN does she chuck a hissy fit when I arc up the little buggar! :eek:

But the next one for me gentle ministrashuns is the lovely fine limbed stunner of a bandsaw who really does need me to run me hands over her and set her to rights :cool:

Skew ChiDAMN!!
29th October 2005, 10:17 PM
What !!!,,,,,,your NOT a darksider. Shame, I was just beginning to like you. ;)

Wait until you know me better. Then you'll absolutely despise me. :)

To be honest, I enjoy playing on pole lathes. They're a fun toy. But not for production items... and they just don't give the same thrill as getting into the groove and having one continuous shaving shooting over yer shoulder. I've stuffed a few items when "in the zone" and kept on cutting for joy instead of stopping when I should. :o

29th October 2005, 10:32 PM
Wait until you know me better. Then you'll absolutely despise me. :)

To be honest, I enjoy playing on pole lathes. They're a fun toy. But not for production items... and they just don't give the same thrill as getting into the groove and having one continuous shaving shooting over yer shoulder. I've stuffed a few items when "in the zone" and kept on cutting for joy instead of stopping when I should. :o

:confused: .....whats this. You enjoy playing on pole toys. This sounds a little suss.
Ya don't get as much a thrill as production items ??? what the ? What it is it thats shaved while shooting over your shoulder while your enjoying this 'pole toy' ? ....oh dear,,..yeh, your right, sounds like you should stop before you hurt yourself or at least when those batterys run out. :D

29th October 2005, 11:27 PM
The best and most enthusiatic first timers story I ever heard.
Welcome to the magical world of woodturning.

30th October 2005, 09:55 AM
Shane, yorta submit that post the a magazine, must be worth money.
(you know - that stuff yer use ter get more toys)

30th October 2005, 05:45 PM
Ahhh now you'll never look at even the smallest piece of wood the same way again. :D

Wild Dingo
30th October 2005, 06:26 PM
Ahhh now you'll never look at even the smallest piece of wood the same way again. :D

:D too right!! :D :cool:

I went up there today breifly to take some pics for another thread and spotted these two long peices of Jarrah offcuts from my work yesty and thought... "mmmm 3/4 x 3/4 x 8ft jarrah? mmmm all nice and square... mmm turnin machine mmmm I wonder" must check out the size of those pen timbers I scored up at Carbatec the other day are could be a small mountain of pens there I reckon :D then theres those logs sittin there in the background all nice and ready... mmm an then theres that ruddy great camphor laurel tree outside our bedroom window that really should be culled...I havent even thought of havin a go at turnin a bowl yet... oh an then theres that bloody great elm tree down near the creek OH!! an the two old willows... an then theres :eek: her garden is looking decidedly like lathe food :D

Yeah.. sigh... you are sooooooooooo right mate!! ;)

La truciolara
31st October 2005, 04:35 AM
well, I thing I’d read some good pieces of literature concerning the first go at a lathe. But you did wonderfully well to describe this moment of joy and discovery.

What your lathe didn’t tell you is that you now got the Woodturnensis Virus. ENJOY IT ! it is quite addictive! ;) :) <O:p</O:p

31st October 2005, 10:32 AM
Well my misses doesn't. I don't even have a lathe yet and i regail her with stories of my days at uni doing thing to timber they only talk bout. Off centre turning, threading and deep boring.
We are looking to get a dog about the same time i get my lathe; i may come inside to eat occasionally!
It gets in your blood, what can you do?

31st October 2005, 10:56 AM
Wild Dingo, You do know that from now on every wood pile, fallen branch, builders skip, community recycle skip, off-cutt bin etc. is going to be calling with a far louder voice than you ever believed possible.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
31st October 2005, 07:04 PM
Once upon a time, I had a pot-belly in my shop to keep me warm in the wet, cold, Victorian winters. I used to keep it fired with the short off-cuts that had no other real use.. After all, one only needs so many blocks, wedges and pointy sticks!

Not any more! Not that I have any less offcuts... quite the opposite! But they usually end up earmarked for the lathe, along with half my neighbours firewood. Well... she does persist in buying wood that's too good to burn and I feel morally obliged to rescue it. :rolleyes:

All I have to burn is bloody sawdust, so after a couple of winters being thankful I'm not in Tassie, now I'm building one of these: Sawdust burner (http://members.optusnet.com.au/%7Eamcardle60/Woodwork/Sawdust_Stove.htm)

6th November 2005, 06:34 AM
All I have to burn is bloody sawdust, so after a couple of winters being thankful I'm not in Tassie, now I'm building one of these: Sawdust burner (http://members.optusnet.com.au/%7Eamcardle60/Woodwork/Sawdust_Stove.htm)

Neat idea.

btw Reverse cycle air con's, the box units, are pretty cheap now. The other half was happy to stump up for one to see me happy at my work - least that's what she said at the time ;)

6th November 2005, 09:11 PM
Welcome to the "Black Arts" Shane. :D