View Full Version : Best timber for drawer sides

22nd October 2019, 11:22 PM
hi all, I am in the process of making 10 drawers 45mm high for a collectors cabinet that needs to last a long time. Each side will be 250 x 45 x 12, and will have a 16 x 6mm slot to carry the timber runner screwed to the side

Can anyone please suggest a really good timber for the sides and the timber runner? I would imagine something not too soft, and with an oily grain

I would welcome all suggestions and ideas

Robson Valley
23rd October 2019, 06:18 AM
Check with your wood suppliers. Here we have a specific Poplar (Populus tremuloides) product called "drawer side."
It is exactly 1/2" thick and 6" wide. Clear with good dimensional stability, often used by artists for wood cut printings, as well.

Uncle Al
23rd October 2019, 07:58 AM
I used cypress pine from old floor boards to make a multi drawer cabinet a few years ago. The wood has an oily feel to it and is quite hard.


23rd October 2019, 09:03 AM
Tallowood perhaps? It is oily, but I am not sure of its weight for what you are after.

23rd October 2019, 10:32 AM
Drawer sides are commonly made from Tas Oak which seems to do the job admirably

23rd October 2019, 10:51 AM
I use Tassie Oak because it is a light coloured wood and sold quartersawn. The latter adds to stability.

Regards from Perth


23rd October 2019, 01:50 PM
Thanks all. Based on the above sound advice, and availability of the timber, I just purchased some 12mm thick quartersawn Tassie Oak for the sides and to make the 8mm thick runners.

23rd October 2019, 04:52 PM
Coming in a bit late, but you'll have no problems with what you've bought. You need a stable quarter sawn timber. I've used WRC which is pretty good. The best I've ever had was some larch from Russia, just after perestroika, when some commissar cashed in his superannuation stash.:D