View Full Version : Walnut vase with insight

21st November 2019, 07:15 AM
Hi all

This time I turned a deco vase out of an old walnut block with 107KG, but there were some pitfalls to this object, but I am very satisfied with the result, the foot will be shortened after the final drying and brought into shape

Linkt to Video

YouTube (https://youtu.be/FkGStzKwl3g)

when you would like to support me please subscribe my cannel, cost you just a click :-)

Best regards


22nd November 2019, 10:18 AM
Well this is different... it looks like there's tool marks on the inside though or is that the lighting? I would imagine it would be very hard to sand in there while it was spinning.

22nd November 2019, 05:08 PM
good morning

i dont sand it inside, i let the tool marks, its handmade so my opinions is that you can see it, outside have to be perfect

best regards


artful bodger
22nd November 2019, 08:28 PM
What type/brand/make of lathe is it you have?.

22nd November 2019, 10:56 PM
its 3 diffrent, pitbull, woodcut and munrotool

best regards
