View Full Version : Building a box question..

4th November 2005, 10:21 AM
Hello all! First post on here and my question will most likely sound dumb to all of you pros. I'm looking to make a box, nothing too big, something like a jewlery box, out of cedar or cherry. I really dont know anything at all about this sort of thing so I was wondering if anyone had any pointers, picts, examples of things that they have made. Ive looked on this site and come across many amazing designs, but I really have no idea where to start or what to use. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!


4th November 2005, 12:49 PM
Having never built one myself I cannot help in that dept. But if you have a look in the "Woodworking pics" section on the forum, there are lots of piccies of all sorts of boxes, you could even try the search function and use words like box (quite broad), or jewelery box (if you want specifics.
The search is on content so every time that particular word appears in a thread, it will flag that thread for you.

Good luck and welcome.

4th November 2005, 01:24 PM
zenwood has just posted some great ones in woodworking pics.

Wood Borer
4th November 2005, 01:29 PM
Welcome to the Bulletin Board.

I made one of the many boxes in the photos section.


Have fun and don't hesistate to ask any questions.

4th November 2005, 02:04 PM
Thanks alot for the ideas, and that box looks amazing, alot like what I'd want mine to look like. As far as wood goes though, I was thinking that I wanted a darker color bottom and a lighter wood to fill in the top peice(like where you made your s type design). What sort of wood would yall recommend?

4th November 2005, 02:14 PM
I'm looking to make a box... Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!
Congratulations , Matt, on your first post.

I recommend clicking on the 'search' thing at the top here ^ and typing in "box". You can also go to "advanced search" to limit it to the pics forum, and with 'box' appearing in the thread title. An advanced Google search can also be used to search this forum.

If you can be more specific about what you want, what tools you have, what your skill are, you will no doubt get a more helpful response.:)

4th November 2005, 02:17 PM
What sort of wood would yall recommend?Cherry is a beautiful wood, nice to work and is available widely in the US. Most hardware stores would stock oak, poplar, maple. Pine is good to, but is very soft and harder to get nice endgrain. Don't forget that this is an Australian forum...:)

Wood Borer
4th November 2005, 02:23 PM
What sort of wood would yall recommend?

Like us here in Australia you have great timbers in the US. Use timber that works easily, has the right colour for the contrasts and is cheap.

The average timber yard in Australia generally caters for builders and their range of timber is very limited but relatively cheap. If you purchase timber from a furniture timber supplier the range of timbers is incredible but so are the prices sometimes.

Cheapest of course is using recycled timber. As boxes are small, you can obtain a lot of good timber that other people are prepared to discard. Old fence posts, broken furniture ..... Once you start collecting, you will have sufficient variations in colour and types of timber to make almost anything.

Recycling also gives you enjoyment from a resurrection perspective and most importantly helps the environment.

4th November 2005, 07:23 PM
Hello all! First post on here and my question will most likely sound dumb to all of you pros. I'm looking to make a box, nothing too big, something like a jewlery box, out of cedar or cherry. I really dont know anything at all about this sort of thing so I was wondering if anyone had any pointers, picts, examples of things that they have made. Ive looked on this site and come across many amazing designs, but I really have no idea where to start or what to use. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!


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