View Full Version : Rikon Lathe 70-220 VSR

26th January 2020, 10:10 AM
I currently have Nova 3000 Lathe and I'm finding my passion in turning seems to lie in producing lidded boxes of all sorts of designs and sizes so would like a variable speed lathe. The Nikon reads up well in my opinion and looks like a solid construction and fits my budget and also the size of my workshop. Does anyone have an opinion on these lathes or own one that could comment or any other small lathe along the same lines. Thanks

26th January 2020, 10:37 AM
Perhaps a Rikon Lathe 70-220VSR ????

26th January 2020, 11:16 AM
Thanks Moby, I must of been thinking camera or just big fingers.

26th January 2020, 06:08 PM
I just bought one as my first lathe, so I haven't got a lot to offer on the subject except that it's solid and well made by all appearances. I chose it because I felt it was good value for the money so it's mildly comforting to find someone else agrees. There isn't a lot of torque at the bottom end of the middle speed range which is the range it came set on and the only range I've used. I just upped the revs because I couldn't be bothered changing the belt and it wasn't an issue.

The fit and finish were good, excepting one minor blemish on the blue paint near the base which looked like it had been smudged while the paint was still wet, not something I was going to send it back over. The tool rest and tail stock lock up well and move smoothly when unlocked. Everything lines up it it should and it runs smoothly and quietly. There you have it, besides the minor cosmetic blemish I noted I can't fault it, but then I know bugger all about lathes so make what you will of this post, but I bought it because like you I thought it looked a good deal, a solid piece of kit for a price that's not too hard to swallow.

27th January 2020, 08:06 AM
Thanks Biggus for your reply.

27th February 2020, 12:42 PM
I ended up buying a Woodfast midi lathe form Carrolls, it's the same as the Rikon with a different badge and colour. So far its a great bit of kit and works well with all the small stuff and my Nova 3000 handles the big. I must admit though I love the variable speed and the reverse function on the Woodfast.

27th February 2020, 07:01 PM
This looks the same as the Sherwood sold by Timbecon which I bought .

28th February 2020, 09:17 AM
I ended up buying a Woodfast midi lathe form Carrolls, it's the same as the Rikon with a different badge and colour. So far its a great bit of kit and works well with all the small stuff and my Nova 3000 handles the big. I must admit though I love the variable speed and the reverse function on the Woodfast.

Yep. that's exactly the same lathe as my Rikon. Enjoy your new purchase.