View Full Version : Hebel Blocks

16th November 2005, 09:28 PM
G'day All,
Where can I get a couple of blocks of that Hebel stuff in Melbourne outer east, just need to do a small job, does anyone know the size blocks they sell, and roughly cost...Thanks Leeton

16th November 2005, 09:36 PM
Used to, but can't remember. I think they're from CSR, try their web site.

Incidentally, great product if a bit exxxy

16th November 2005, 09:55 PM
Paveworld in Campbellfield (hume hwy)
come in standard 200 x 200 x any length. but most sizes can be ordered
a 200 x 200 x 600 block is $9

all from memory though.

check csr website


Grahame Collins
16th November 2005, 09:56 PM
your friendly local Hebel dealer can be looked up through the CSR website.
The dealer will more than likely have offcuts and /or leftover blocks.
As well as blocks Hebel is produced in sheets up to 2.8 x 1.00 meters.

My house is retro clad with Hebel and is termite proof ,rotproof and has a 3 hr firewall rating (well! on the outside anyway ).

The hebel dealer is usually a builder and should have the means to cut blocks or sheets to size. Be aware some sheets have metal re inforcing rods embedded in them. Hebel will cut with a carbide tipped blade. Blocks run to 75 mm thick.Dunno about blocks though ,I have never had anything to do with them.
