View Full Version : Selling work online

7th October 2020, 04:24 PM
This started with a late response to Neil's recent thread: Six months without a single sale! (https://www.woodworkforums.com/f8/six-months-single-sale-237551/3) My experience is purely that of a hobby bowl and platter turner, and the few sales I made through local craft shops in central Vic have dried out (the shops have closed with restrictions).

I've been thinking of attempting to place my work for sale online... "Where" is the big question followed closely by "Why there".
I admit that I am not one that knows anything about social media, and I'm lost.

Several members thought that a discussion, a paper, sharing experience and ideas could be both interesting and beneficial, so, to start the discussion, I'd like to pose the following questions:

- Does anyone have experience with online selling they would be prepared to share?
- Do any of the sites work better than others?

I for one, have only questions... I'm not trying to make a living of my craft, I turn cowls and platters for fun and I usually think about selling my work when the cupboard gets full. It will be nice if the hobby covered costs.

I'd appreciate any constructive input.

7th October 2020, 07:14 PM
:aro-r:My daughter used to use Etsy to sell her wares but she now uses Madeit.

Uniquely Australian Handmade | Buy & Sell on Madeit (https://madeit.com.au/?gclid=CjwKCAjwzvX7BRAeEiwAsXExo43UrFNYW2SeVDDe_XiLHz_y0SVGRDnbFXSwCHcts9zV8gxsni29JRoC_kQQAvD_BwE)

She says it works much better for her as it’s an Australian site for Australians.

8th October 2020, 09:29 AM

Just a thought that this link may be useful to those who are just thinking about selling their work:
CRAFT TO CONSUMER — Craft Victoria (http://www.craft.org.au/craft-to-consumer)

