View Full Version : Semi circle hole in wooden handle

16th February 2021, 05:33 AM
Hello, in the picture below, there is this metal thingi and its kinda not complete circle. i want to make a wooden handle with same hole in it, so i can stick it and turn the metal thingi clockwise. But all i can find in internet is how to make "the perfect round hole , perfect circle and so on"... Do you have ideas how i can do that?

P.S i am kinda of a wood newbie so.. be gentle.

16th February 2021, 08:59 AM
Welcome SE

16th February 2021, 09:14 AM
If I understand correctly, I would do it like this.


1) drill the hole
2) shape a section of timber to make the flattened bottom
3) glue it into place.

17th February 2021, 11:51 PM
Thank you. I will try tonight when I come back from work.