View Full Version : Time extension!!!

16th February 2021, 09:07 AM
Since the votes have either been "YES PLEASE", or "Don't mind either way", and no-one has objected to an extension, the organisers have declared it a done deal.

The closing date is now 30th June, 2021 (yep, that's this year).

If there are any objections, please take them up with he organisers, I'm just the messenger..... :U


16th February 2021, 10:49 AM
If anyone has any objections, Bob, an my self will be more than happy to hear them from the 1 of July 2021,
At the Box hill RSL Melbourne main bar, after 7.30 pm.
Please forward all expressions of interest to moan, via my New Deli PO Box.

Cheers Matt.