View Full Version : Generic crushgrind.

31st May 2021, 05:41 PM
It seems that Crushgrind are now around $18-$20 in Australia. "Designed in Denmark" so probably made in China.

Alibaba has them for US$2-3each plus freight if you buy 100? Interesting.

Old Hilly
3rd June 2021, 08:14 PM
The Chinese can make anything as good or as cheap as you want. The only problem is that "good" and "cheap" seldom go hand in hand. The $3.00 mechanisms may just have a really high failure rate. And there may be no option to return them for a credit/refund.

3rd June 2021, 10:28 PM
Do they come with the 25 year guarantee

Old Hilly
4th June 2021, 05:17 AM
Yes, clearly printed on recycled toilet paper in ink guaranteed to fade away in hours when exposed to light.

4th June 2021, 08:26 AM
I only recently made my first set of grinders, and to be honest, I was surprised how cheep the genuine CrushGrind mechanism was. If you're only making a couple for yourself it's not that much. If you're making for resale, that extra $15 per grinder is a pittance compared to the time and effort of repairing/replacing one.

Having said that, any assertion that the copy version is rubbish is pure conjecture on our part, as we've never tried them. If you do get one, I'm sure we would all appreciate a comparison to the genuine article.

4th June 2021, 08:37 AM
The Chinese can make anything as good or as cheap as you want. The only problem is that "good" and "cheap" seldom go hand in hand.

I have an acquaintance who operates a printing shop. He has a large format printer (A0) which cost a small fortune. Naturally his costs reflect the required ROI of such a piece of equipment. On a trip to China to look for a replacement printer he was taken to a local printing shop where they had an entire floor of an office building covered in these large format printers, operating 24/7, with a couple of staff members collecting prints, replacing paper rolls etc. There is simply no way he is able to compete on price with such a setup. There is no difference in quality of the finished product. I think for many of us, we fail to fully grasp the level to which China has redefined "economies of scale".

Anyway, back to my acquaintance, for non rush jobs he gets them done in China, and prints time sensitive jobs locally at a very large premium. No-one is ripping any-one off, or providing sub standard work. Just different production models.

Chief Tiff
4th June 2021, 08:00 PM
I was intrigued by this thread; plus I’ve thought about having a go at making a set of grinders so I just bought THESE (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32995031690.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.68da498cTfG0F8&algo_pvid=305af5e5-67e6-431a-aa40-ebc21a1fd928&algo_expid=305af5e5-67e6-431a-aa40-ebc21a1fd928-0&btsid=0bb0624716227968499804391e3db6&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_) for ~$6 AUD shipped.

4th June 2021, 09:37 PM
A few years ago, 5yrs? 7yrs?, I bought some "crushgrind" mills from a local AU supplier, they came in plain packaging and had black adjusting buttons on the base, I now realize they were generic. I made a dozen, sold some, gave some to family (as you do ) and kept one for myself. All are still working perfectly as far as I know. I paid around genuine price so the importer made his 3-400% markup. Maybe I'll import some, I'm 74 years old so the 25yr warranty is not a problem. 495493