View Full Version : Blackbutt tool handles

19th September 2021, 07:51 PM
Hi all.

I need to make a couple of hatchet handles.. spotted gum would be my choice, but i have been given a large piece of blackbutt.. has anyone used this timber for tool handles ?

19th September 2021, 09:31 PM
Tool handles need a bit of spring in them to absorb the vibrations. Most important on striking tools or anything with shock loading like turning tools. If the wood is too hard and rigid the shock goes into your hand and up your arm. Best tool handle is hickory. Spotted gum is ok and I really like mulberry. Blackbutt while strong and should not break will be hard on the hand holding it.

20th September 2021, 09:11 AM
Tool handles need a bit of spring in them to absorb the vibrations. Most important on striking tools or anything with shock loading like turning tools. If the wood is too hard and rigid the shock goes into your hand and up your arm.

Well there you go. I knew this was a thing with Whitewater kayak paddles, where you trade the efficiency of a rigid blade, with the comfort of a more flexible blade. I'd never considered it a factor in turning tool handles. It's only just after 8am, and I've already learned something new today. :)

21st September 2021, 08:56 AM
Not to question orraloon, but it probably depend on a lot of factors including the type of tool sensitivity of the user.
I have always followed the principle of try it and see. I have used all sorts of timbers for turning tools and frankly have not noticed any difference.
Interlocking grain is important for some purposes such as axes and hammers. Try out a piece by breaking it. Avoid stuff that snaps cleanly and look for a long fibrous break. I am sure you could find something about that with a good google search.