View Full Version : All the roofing questions

10th November 2021, 01:30 PM
50 year old house with original plywood that's in bad shape, mansard roof. Sprung a leak where flat roof addition meets house (turns out old owner did a job on the addition, which literally does not surprise us in the least). Figured bite the bullet, rather than a $1500 temp fix that might not even work, let's just eat the fact that materials are stupid expensive right now and get the damn roof.
We're planning to spend at least 20-30 years here, we want a good roof and are willing to pay for it. We also want new gutters (ours are shot) and figure just get it done all at once. There is no DIY option, husband and I are not in physical shape to do anything close to this.
Looking at CertainTeed Landmark Pro vs GAF Timberline for shingles. We'd go with a fully tested installer and get the best warranty they offer. We like the CertainTeed Flintlastic system for our flat roof but are waiting to hear about the comparable GAF product.
Also, OSB or CDX? Is one better? Worse? And anyone know the actual cost difference as between the two? I feel like one quote is trying to kinda hose me on OSB as compared to CDX (one guy has said CDX at like $80/sheet, one guy said OSB at $90, that... doesn't sound right?). But I want whichever is better, if there's a consensus.
Also, why are roofers so reticent to replace all the wood? I want the old gone. There's obvious water damage in a lot of spots and it's 50+ years old, get it out and start fresh, but everyone's like "oh we'll only replace what's necessary" even though I'm sitting here saying clearly "we want all the wood replaced, every single piece, and are prepared to pay for that."
We're in northern VA, DC burbs. No real regular weather to speak of, but the storms lately have been unusually intense. No insurance claim here, leak is due to deterioration of workmanship and I don't want to risk having the claim denied because if we filed it would be our second claim inside of a year.
I know opinions are just that, but more info is always good.
Not sure if I need to edit for the bot, but yes we've gotten something on the order of 5 quotes, I've got 2 front runners right now, maybe 3 (still waiting on that one), because the rest aren't offering the flat roof product type I want (multi layer). They're all within 2k of each other on a ~25k project (because of the wood and the gutters and we want gutter guards etc etc etc. Without the wood or with partial replacement we'd save 3-6k but I'm very leery of what we're going to find under the shingles and what corners were cut last time they were replaced, so I'm assuming and pushing for full replacement). We're ok in that price range. Hurts but we'll live and it's for the long term.

Read the full thread at metalworkforums.com... (https://metalworkforums.com/showthread.php?t=207336&goto=newpost)