View Full Version : Help please-Woodworkers Journal 1991 Vol 15 Issue 6

9th December 2005, 07:44 PM
I was wondering if someone might have this issue. It has a dollshouse plan that I would really like to try. I would be happy to pay for a photocopy of the article or would love an email if possible. If all else fails I believe it is available to purchase from the US. (Don't know if I am that patient.) :D Thanks for reading.

9th December 2005, 07:50 PM
(Don't know if I am that patient.) :D Thanks for reading.

Hiyu diamonds, sorry carnt help you, but in lots of cases getting stuff from their is qiucker than getting it from OZ (Timberconned comes to mind) Some months back i ordered a vaccume DVD on a Wennesday night on-line and the following Tuesday morning it was delivered by the postie. So if you have no luck here give em a try:D

Greg Q
9th December 2005, 08:42 PM
Sorry that I can't help with that issue, BUT! It is part of this lot of magazines on eBay right now.

click here:

What kind of doll house? I have a full-sized set of plans here for a two-storey ornate house that I could see about copying.


10th December 2005, 05:21 PM
I just sent an email to enquire on postage to Oz. Greg, if you could possibly arrange a copy for me I would be happy to pay your costs and would be extremely grateful. I am looking for something a bit ornate. I will try to attch the thumbnail of the one I am after but if it is anything like the plans you have that would be fantastic. 16367

Greg Q
10th December 2005, 06:17 PM
Hi Diamonds...

We can work something out- I'll send you a private message.


11th December 2005, 12:20 AM
Many, many thanks Greg. I really appreciate it. Melissa:D :D :D