View Full Version : Sketchup model of a 1905 toy car

1st December 2021, 07:36 AM
5046541905 Toy Car | 3D Warehouse (https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/d85b4dcc-7339-4120-af4f-9c5fe1fe55ca/1905-Toy-Car)

I made this model from a scan posted by one of the members of this forum. I think his/her name is Chriss, but I can't find the post to say thanks.

Anyway, I made the model in the web version, and I was trying to make images from the scenes so that I could share them. With people who don't have SketchUp.

Not so easy trying to isolated the component parts with relevant dimensions. Dimensions from one scene appear in another. Hide parts in one scene and they disappear in another. Make groups or components, modify them and hey presto! they reappear. Using tags should help, I thought.

The web version is a little different to the 2017 Make version. For one thing with 2017 I can export videos. I would save the web version as 2017, but that option is no longer available.

Maybe it is easier in the Pro version?

Maybe I complain too much, very grateful for the chance to use free software.

I hope someone will download the model and actually make one. I am hoping to make one too, one day.