View Full Version : Mirocks toolworks

16th December 2021, 06:14 PM
I have been on the lookout for some good squares and also marking rulers along the lines of the Incra T rule. There is a guy on Youtube from the Ukraine called Mirocks tool works who makes a few variations of the squares and rulers. I took the plunge and ordered a set of 4 from him and they arrived today, this is the set I got in Wenge Set Mirock Squares 310mm206mmrulers 510120mm | Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/970721960/set-mirock-squares-310mm206mmrulers?click_key=060e31a57674967e6f8ead87d5ae863b6b0e4340%3A970721960&click_sum=3d0fc122&ref=market_rv-1&sts=1)


I haven't had a chance to use them yet but first impressions are that they look very good, quality seems to be excellent. Postage was extremely slow and the tracking was in I presume Russian so I didn't actually realize they were here until my wife went and collected the mail this afternoon.

Hopefully I can put them to good use and I continue to improve on my accuracy when measuring things.

His youtube channel is here for those interested Mirock's Toolworks - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJFCZ2slzAMjP6ChFxYPv6A)

Cheers Andrew

21st December 2021, 01:11 AM
interesting idea as the drafting bits here (plastic/acrylic) are generally more accurate than the low cost metal squares.

And many of the low cost fixed squares are far less accurate than the hardened head (not rule, all good rules are hardened and tempered) squares found used on ebay (but only the hardened head types).