View Full Version : Spalted wood.

30th March 2022, 11:37 AM
Is spalted wood harmful to us ?
In this case I have a few blanks of spalted Oak which I have turned and seem to be getting a re-action to it.
Is it just coincidence or is it harmful ?
Have done some research but found nothing to confirm this.
Any opinions would be appreciated.


30th March 2022, 05:29 PM
What do you mean by a "reaction", is it via the nose, breath, skin ??

Spalting is not usually dangerous.
Like many things any possible danger depends on a bunch of things

What species of fungus is causing the spalting?
How advanced the spalting is? - spalted wood contains some decomposed wood and tends to make a lot more dust so you could be you are just getting a reaction to the extra wood dust rather than the from the fungus.
Like any allergy/fungal reaction some people are more sensitive to some types of fungus than others.

You could try a skin test get a spalted piece and rub it under one arm and a non splated piece and rub it under the other arm. This is tricker than it sounds because as soon as you cut a spalted piece it will contaminate everything around it , including you. Even a saw blade will cause contamination of other pieces. Maybe first thing one day drag a log outside and get yourself a clean chisel and chip away at a clean piece of wood and collect clean chips in a plastic bag. Then use the chisel to collect a few spalted chips in another bad. Have a shower and dress in clean clothes, then try the test - well you are welcome to try the test with no clothes on if you like and use a more sensitive part of your skin :D

I've milled some dozens of logs that have been spalted but have not experienced any noticeable reaction. However I do react to Silky Oak but that is another story.

31st March 2022, 09:55 AM
Even without spalting, many woods can cause allergic reactions in some individuals, including oak. My son reacted strongly on his arms to some oak (robur) that he just carried from a trailer to my workshop for me.

Timber Health Hazards (http://www.ubeaut.com.au/badwood.htm)

Wood Allergies and Toxicity | The Wood Database (https://www.wood-database.com/wood-articles/wood-allergies-and-toxicity/)

Fungi add an additional problem for some people.

I'm allergic (respiratory) to almost all moulds, which are created by fungi.