View Full Version : HELP Suspected Beetles in my roofing structure which is in wood

25th April 2022, 06:58 PM
Hi Everyone, my house roofing structure which is in wood got infected by beetles. How could I change the affected wood when the house already built? what kind of paint/coating can get rid of beetles? is it safe to just paint some coating on it since it is roofing structure?
510651(those wood with arrow are the affected wood)

26th April 2022, 04:18 PM
In my view, you should get firstly a pest expert to advise on how to get rid of the beetles. You would not want to miss any.
Secondly, a structural expert to determine if the damage has weakened the wood too much.
Probably adding timber in parallel with the affected joists would be possible, or even steel angle over the top.


28th April 2022, 07:46 PM
In my view, you should get firstly a pest expert to advise on how to get rid of the beetles. You would not want to miss any.
Secondly, a structural expert to determine if the damage has weakened the wood too much.
Probably adding timber in parallel with the affected joists would be possible, or even steel angle over the top.


Thank you for your suggestion

29th April 2022, 10:41 PM
Burn down the house to kill the beetles, then build a new house from steel framing.

5th May 2022, 05:42 PM
Without identification it is difficult to determin if this will continue to occur or a one-off event. Singapore and other parts of Indonesia are "blessed" with a wide array of wood eating insects. Some are more distructive than others.
Identification of the timber specie or species and the insect is required before suggesting what action can be taken.
If Riverbuilder built your house his suggestion may be your best option. :D
Sorry Peter, I couldn't resist that one.

5th May 2022, 07:31 PM
How old is the house?
If its an old infestation possibly no need to do anything.