View Full Version : Socket Chisel Handle Replacement

16th July 2022, 09:35 PM
I've recently been given a couple of socket chisels minus handles, they are generic chisels, around 12mm and 18mm in width.

As I've never really done chisel handle replacements I'm wondering if there is a must have wood, or a nice to have wood, or more likely what I can scrounge wood?

Any timber suggestions would be appreciated.


16th July 2022, 09:53 PM
Mick, are the chisels going to general use, ie used with a mallet or purely paring?

Paring, any timber and no hoop.514484

General use, you will need a hoop on the end and strong, shock absorbing timber like spotty or Jarrah, like the pic.514485

17th July 2022, 04:04 PM
Pat, thanks for the pictures, I have some spotted gum of which I have just enough to do the job, if not then I have a few pieces of Jarrah, or something like that which will easily be enough.

They are just for general use and I had already decided to run with a hoop on the end to keep everything from being mashed down.


Mountain Ash
18th July 2022, 08:40 AM
Hi O. Spotted gum will be fine. I have also used Jarrah and didn't put ferrules on the end. Only used with timber mallets and holding up fine. If I am reading the makers mark right they are good chisels, made from laminated steel.

18th July 2022, 11:08 AM
I think the name is Matheson Glasgow, but it is not quite clear.

I never knew chisels like these would have been made from laminated steel, in fact: I didn't know much about laminated steel until I did some online searching after reading about laminated steel in this thread.

Viking swords and such... very interesting indeed.
