View Full Version : Any of our US members seen this show?

22nd December 2005, 09:17 AM
Just read this article in the Woodworkers Journal eZine.

Sounds interesting. It'd definitely be a hit with the darksiders I'd reckon.


Farm boy
22nd December 2005, 09:33 AM
thanks craig
that is a top article that show would be great to watch

Greg Q
22nd December 2005, 09:39 AM
I can remember watching Roy's show back in the 80's when I lived in N.A.
It was a good show as I recall, but wisdom comes late for some of us, and it wasn't until much later that I came to trust myself and simple tools to get a job done.


22nd December 2005, 01:30 PM
I watch it every weekend I can. It's a mainstay on the Public Broadcasting System here. If you like seeing things done by hand tools, this is an exceptional program to watch. I recommend it.


Greg Q
22nd December 2005, 01:34 PM
Here in Oz the cable companies carry"Woodworks" with David Marks, along with Norm and the flock of drivel shows. PBS shows don't seem to make it over except "The News Hour" and the odd documentary.

At least the internet allows me to listen to "Prarie Home Companion" now more than once a year.

Andy Mac
22nd December 2005, 02:13 PM
Thanks for the link Craig. I haven't seen the show, but knew of it through this site: http://www.uncpress.unc.edu/woodwright/
I'd love to have a good sit down and view it properly, sounds like a fascinating gent. Imagine shed time with him, Daniel Mack (rustic furniture) and Alex Weygers (tool making)!!:D The family wouldn't see me for weeks...


22nd December 2005, 02:57 PM
Seems like a great purchase for Foxtel to me.

After all, it's PBS and a very niche interest, surely it can't be that expensive to buy a series.

How much do they pay for that pommie house hunting drivel that they love showing?

22nd December 2005, 05:52 PM
never seen it, but will look foreward to it in the future. Thanks Craig :)


22nd December 2005, 07:13 PM
I have not seen any of Roy Underhill's shows, but have been aware of the very high esteem in which he is held by the galoots of America. His shows are available on VHS, but this is too expensive a way to go. Apparently PBS are planning to place his series on DVD, and this will make it affordable.

Waiting patiently in Perth.


23rd December 2005, 02:12 AM
Here is another reference of interest:


Regards from Perth


23rd December 2005, 05:11 PM
I have not seen any of Roy Underhill's shows, but have been aware of the very high esteem in which he is held by the galoots of America. His shows are available on VHS, but this is too expensive a way to go. Apparently PBS are planning to place his series on DVD, and this will make it affordable.

He isn't known as St Roy for nothing. In 2000 I spent several months in the USA in Seattle. As compensation I got to see Roy Underhill and Norm Abrams on TV. Prior to that I only knew of them by reputation.

I learnt the most from Roy's shows. The best lesson was on using a plough plane or rebate/fillester. The key point was to start at the finish and work your way back. I had tried before seeing Roy doing it but the results were discouraging until I used this method.

23rd December 2005, 05:39 PM
Sounds like we need to lobby Foxtel to buy a series.

I suggest a concerted email campaign in the New Year!

24th December 2005, 05:13 AM
we get that show here in Canada. it is a great show.

21st August 2007, 04:34 PM

Roy Underhill's The Woodwright's Show is available online.

Check out the Spirit of Woodcraft - but have some coffee first, so you can keep up - it's great! :2tsup: :2tsup:

Also - the Old machines episode for those that hanker after belts and pulleys

And the Dovetail edition has some of those great puzzle joints.

[I think I'm in love :B ]

joe greiner
21st August 2007, 11:26 PM
Haven't seen him here for a few years. It may be that new shows are no longer being produced for normal broadcast (wish they were). PBS generally recycles shows, and some of the older This Old House shows are now on HGTV.

IIRC, Roy is or was an on-site guru at Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia. He has a few books in print, with titles like The Woodwright's something or other; more relaxed perusal than the videos, but obviously not as detailed.

Definitely worth watching and/or reading. Google["roy underhill"] should get a bushel or two of links.
