View Full Version : Facebook fakes

Log Dog
1st November 2022, 10:32 PM
Had a friend request on facebook yesterday :cool:

A lady in Los Angeles thought my profile was nice....hmmm!
So silly me accepted her invitation :doh::~

Obviously didn't know her from Adam.

Anyway she contacted me within 24 hours on the messenger platform...on facebook
After a brief 'get to know you' exchange of words she then tried to persuade me to send her my email address
Also strongly urged me to download the Skype app in order to continue further communications with her
Her written english was somewhat poor as well

I then became very nervous...I smelt a rat :C
So I promptly banned her facebook profile and quit while I was ahead of the game

A quick google search confirmed that her tactics were the hallmarks of a scammer!!

What a creepy,invasive feeling I got when I realised I was being conned...not good :no:

So beware of the nasty lurkers on facebook wanting to be your friend
I was nearly fooled...phew!!

Log Dog :)

2nd November 2022, 07:06 AM
Facebook is the pits. OK I was rude about FB on FB and got cut off when I didn't pass a new "security check"
Haven't missed it much at all.