View Full Version : Maleny Wood Show

23rd March 2023, 08:38 AM
I had contemplated entering the Maleny Woodshow in the tiny treasures with this one. But pulled out as I wasnt happy the way it came out. The Mother of Pearl looked a bit clunky and the Paua in the background didnt really come through and the lid didnt seem to work either for that matter.
Your thoughts gentlemen.

Gary H
23rd March 2023, 11:21 AM
Your harshest critic is always a bloke called Hughie :D. In this case I agree with you as something (the lid and the thickness of the flutes?) is not quite up to your normal (and very high) standard. At the same time, I would give one of my organs to be able to produce anything approaching the quality of your works, even the ones you are not happy with (but not THAT organ :o).

Cheers, Gary

ps: how's the move progressing?

23rd March 2023, 01:14 PM
Yeah, wasnt really happy with it, the Blackwood is very spectacular, I just didn't do it justice

The move is getting more imminent, just gotta figure out what Imminent means :U

The Spin Doctor
23rd March 2023, 04:43 PM
you were going to travel to Melany from Sydney for a ribbon in a competition. You are certainly dedicated.

If you plan such exploits in the future don't hesitate to ask. I have a spare room for you to collapse in. You'll need to buy the beer though. I'll provide the BBQ. Now i don't kmow you from a bar of soap but after a case of beer, you buy, I'm sure we'll get along well LOL

23rd March 2023, 07:28 PM
lol Tempting, the move relates my moving down the South Coast. Its on a two year plan that been running for four years :U

But Maleny its abit more than a ribbon, but thanks for the offer