View Full Version : Intoduction and good news

13th January 2006, 05:59 AM
Good day
My name is niki, I live in poland but also lived in Japan (11 years) and Israel (45 years). I retired from work 4 years ago and have all the time in the world to do my woodworking hobby and other thins...
I was watching you and other woodworking forums around the world for about 2 months and decided to join YOUR forum because I got the best information and help just by reading the threads.
The good news are that somebody is going to open a woodworking internet TV channel. I found it while reading another forum (woodnet).
Also you can see what the president of this channel sayed
Its going to be afree chanel, so we can watch it any time.
Sorry about the long address but I don't know (yet) how to shrink it.
I promiss to send pictures of my garage but the car must be in the garage so all my woodworking is "paralized" during the winter (its -10C and cecreasing) so I do at spring

Have a nice warm day

13th January 2006, 06:26 AM
G'day Niki and welcome.

I'm sure I wouldn't be getting the car out of the garage either with -10C temp. The only time I've seen that sort of cold is inside my freezer.:D

13th January 2006, 07:49 AM
Hi Niki and welcome to the forum.

TV show sounds good, just dont think it will be making it to Australian TV..

13th January 2006, 08:16 AM

It's not a television show, it's an "internet TV".
please go to the 2nd url and roll down to a post by "tarpon", he is the president and he is saying that you shell need the "recent version of internet explorer & windows media player".


13th January 2006, 08:24 AM
Welcome Nikki. Spend the spring insulating your shed and sell the car! Priorities mate!

Seriously, know what you mean re the cold, spent time in Slovakia in winter. Just back from Hokkaido, Japan, -17C in the day, but no problem unless it's windy. At night you realise what Schnapps was invented for.

13th January 2006, 08:32 AM
I was watching you and other woodworking forums around the world for about 2 months and decided to join YOUR forum because I got the best information and help just by reading the threads.

Ubeaut 1 : the rest of the world 0 :D

Welcome niki :)

13th January 2006, 09:27 AM
Thank you guys

Okaeri nassai--welcome back home.
been many times in hokkaido, but seems that this year they have "special", hope that you had the "sapporo ramen".

Eeeeeem......but you are correct.

13th January 2006, 09:43 AM
Thanks niki. I've signed up for the email notification, and look forward to the site opening. I really hope it will be as good as they say.


Auld Bassoon
13th January 2006, 08:32 PM
G'day Niki,

Welcome to the madhouse:D

You are very welcome here; I'm sure that I speak for many of us when asking that you post pictures and descriptions of your projects.

It would also be nice to see where you live.

Welcome, mate!


13th January 2006, 08:53 PM
aah sorry, will take a closer look

13th January 2006, 09:10 PM
Welcome to the loony bin. Where in Poland are you from. Have visted you loverly country a couple of times. Gotta go back some day

13th January 2006, 10:52 PM
Welcome to the forum Niki. Look forward to seeing some of you projects (in spring).

13th January 2006, 10:59 PM
Have a nice warm day. you got that right.

14th January 2006, 07:46 AM
Thank you all for the warm welcome....I need it....no,its not that bad, inside the house we have nice 24c and when we go outside we dress properly.

Auld basson

I'll try to send some pictures, just I still have to learn how to do it.


I live in "mazovshe", some 60km south of warsaw and it seems that you know poland better than I do, I know only the road between my town and warsaw.


14th January 2006, 09:13 AM
Welcome Niki, Thanks for the link!

You wont want to hang around here to much... you may become a Aussie!(you'll be saying "G'day mate" before you know it...)

14th January 2006, 09:46 AM
G'day Harry72
Well, you noticed that I lived in Israel Japan and poland.
Aussie?? its only a matter of time mate...
