View Full Version : Cheap diesel heater for shed. A win.

10th September 2023, 07:10 PM
Hi all,

My shed / garage is about 8m x 8m. It has my toys in it and I like to spend time there. Except... in the cooler Melbourne months it isn't exactly welcoming. Kind of the opposite.

I thought I'd give an El cheapo diesel heater a go to see if it could handle that space. I understand there is no diff between the 8kw and 5kw versions so I got a 5kw for $150.

I bodged up a setup and gave it a go, and, I can say it does work. Not instant heat for that space, but, give it 30-60 mins and it starts to get nice.

Dodgy setup:

PXL_20230910_065908532.jpg (https://metalworkforums.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=403653&d=1694329700)
PXL_20230910_065848424.jpg (https://metalworkforums.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=403654&d=1694329721)

Exhaust is vented externally and I have a CO meter. All good. I'm running off a motorcycle battery connected to a charger. If the power goes out you don't want these things to stop suddenly, they have to go through a cool down cycle. I 'scored' a 1 year old deep cycle battery from the local 4wd crew that was supposed to be in good nick but its toast. So, Harley battery it is.

Diesel usage is pretty frugal. I have a 10lt plastic jerry for the experiment and running the unit at heat setting 3 or 4 (out of 6) I reckon it is maybe a litre every 1.5 hours or so. Maybe less.

It is not silent, but, not too loud. The external exhaust plus the intake filter quieten it down a lot. I bought a 2 meter exhaust extension online for less than $20.

The exhaust pipe gets really hot, so be careful there.

I know heating a 'machine shop' has implications like accelerated oxidation and accuracy stuff... but, I keep the machines well oiled and this garage ain't no precision laboratory.

All in all. A win. I can recommend it.
Attached Images

https://metalworkforums.com/images/attach/jpg.gif PXL_20230910_065908532.jpg (https://metalworkforums.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=403653&d=1694329700) (236.5 KB)
https://metalworkforums.com/images/attach/jpg.gif PXL_20230910_065848424.jpg (https://metalworkforums.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=403654&d=1694329721) (294.7 KB)

Read the full thread at metalworkforums.com... (https://metalworkforums.com/showthread.php?t=209521&goto=newpost)