View Full Version : Creating relief images/2.5D carves and also does anyone use Carveco Software

9th March 2024, 03:18 PM
Does anyone here uses or has used Carveco Maker as I have a question I'd like to ask.
Can you place an original image on top of a stl model created from that image?? The reason I ask is at the bottom of this tome.

To make it more informative (and hopefully worth the read), I've supplied some links to new software (free) I've found.

2.5D/Relief carving

I've always wanted to carve reliefs/2.5D images with my CNC, like this one, but from my own images.


I bought Vectric Desktop which comes with heaps of template images you can insert and use for relief carves BUT they are not my own and frankly, they are designed for the USA mainly even though its a UK company.

Vectric uses STL files for its modeling and these are available on the internet (free or paid for) but they are not my own creation and there is limited choice.

I have downloaded apps such as "height2STL" and "image to lithophane" which allow me to create create STLs form image files (png, jpeg) but they sometimes lack the detail that's in the original image.

Deep Greyscale depth map creation

One of the best types of image to turn into a STL is a deep greyscale Depth map such as this one (the above image was carved from this). This is excellent for 3D printing as well.


These tend to retain more of the detail when uploaded as an STL and carved - see image above.

I have spent many, many hours searching for software to created deep greyscale depth maps and even "learnt" blender so I can create them. It works, but fiddly, and what a learning curve :C.

Then some lovely guy built an app (put it on github) that creates these files. It uses Googles servers to do the crunching so if you use it, remember to sign out when finished otherwise Google will lock your account (apparently). Here's a link

Google Colab (https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Wi-1Ji_fhcoGpK-drT4dVrl5AjfVUQ5M)

You use jpeg or png files. It can be a bit picky as it wants 3 channel images (RGB) not 4 channel (RGBA). It can take quite a while and when finished, it downloads a greyscale image to your download folder.

The problem is, unless you have a highly detailed deep image (such as a BAS relief), your result will lack definition

Generating BAS Relief Images

These are the best images to use (have more depth) and these too are available on the internet (limited numbers) but you can create your own using Micro$haft and AI. You need a Microsoft account though. Link below

Image Creator from Microsoft Designer (https://www.bing.com/images/create)

You need to be pretty precise. Here's the text I used for the acorn bas relief above

"Light wood bas relief, acorns with leaves, high detail, high contrast deep"

It will generate 15 images from you to pick from.

I then run it thought height2stl and use it in Vectric Desktop.

536208 original generated BAS relief image 536209 Carved Image

Now to the million dollar question everyone was waiting for :U:

If you don't have a hi res deep image like a bas relief (ie home photos etc), when you turn the image files into a STL, you may lose a lot of detail so the carve is so-so.

I downloaded a trial version of Vectric Aspire and it has a method of fixing this. After you download the STL file, you load the original image on top of it.
This then puts more detail into the carve..

Can Carveco Maker do this as well?? Its cheaper than Aspire.

Thanks if you managed to read this far :B