View Full Version : Bearers

21st January 2006, 04:29 PM
How to straighten bearer that has sagged between the post?.

21st January 2006, 04:59 PM
Need more info Baz...

You talking about a floor bearer for your timber floor or something else
How much sag have you got

21st January 2006, 05:00 PM
Two options
1 jack up the bearer using an acrow prop or bottle jack and instal additional post/posts ( number of posts will depend on size and span of bearer)

2. jack bearer and bolt metal plate to side/sides of it for the full span of bearer ( size of plate will depend on span and size of bearer)

21st January 2006, 05:00 PM
There will be underlying reasons the bearer has sagged.
Straightening it wont solve the problem, so find out why it sagged, and tackle that problem first.

Al :)

21st January 2006, 05:10 PM
Thank you for the replys.
These bearers are supporting house built in QLD in the late 60s and are on concrete post that are at the same level. I have checked this with a water level. The sage is about 40 odd mill in the centre.
What could be causing this problem?.


21st January 2006, 05:13 PM
Is there a load bearing wall above the centre?
Maybe all you need do is install another stump in the centre.

Al :)

21st January 2006, 05:15 PM
Have many sagged quite a few or just one or two.
Reasons could be defect timber, too large a span between posts, possibly even termites.

21st January 2006, 05:20 PM
more info needed

what size is the is the bearer

what is the span between posts

what is above bearer ie; supporting wall, grand piano, pallet of bricks, my ex wife:D

what is the roof; tile or metal

21st January 2006, 05:37 PM
The span is at 2800 on 170*70 bearer
Concrete tile roof wich is sagging also
The bathroom stud wall goes through the T/G floor straight onto the joists. This is the only place on the hole floor it goes through to the joists.


21st January 2006, 05:42 PM
Theres your problem.
No support underneath the load bearing wall.
Install a stump where the wall is and it should fix it.

Al :D

Ivan in Oz
21st January 2006, 05:45 PM
This is the only place on the hole floor it goes through to the joists.

You've got me confused now!

What HOLE??????

I was thinking settling of the Concrete Stumps.

21st January 2006, 05:59 PM
So the bearer directly under that bathroom wall is the one that's sagged ?

21st January 2006, 06:35 PM
I'd be inclined to put in an extra post as the bearer may be under size

but tell me first, is the sag under the bathroom wall, is the bearer under an outside wall and most importantly does the bearer have a join over one or both of the posts.
Also does the sag in the roof relate to the sag in the bearer

you could also check to see if there is a water tank in the ceiling not likely but worth checking