View Full Version : Another little Johnny

John Saxton
19th September 2000, 08:46 PM
Little Johnny was sitting in the dirt tormenting ants and spiders and things,pouring liquid on them and watching them sizzle.
The parish priest,Father Murphy,walked past and enquires,"Whats in the bottle Johnny?"
"Sulphuric acid,Father", said the boy with savage glee.
The priest wishing to deter the lad from these savage entertainments,said "You shouldn't use that.You should use this wonderful Holy Water I have here in this bottle."
"What bloody goods that?" the lad asked querulously.
"Well," said the priest,"Yesterday I poured some of this on a womans stomach,and she passed a baby!"
"Thats nuthin,"said Johnny,"I poured some of this on a cats **** and it passed a f****** motorbike!"
