View Full Version : SAturn99

18th August 1999, 08:19 AM
Last weekend U, Beaut,my wife Julie and I attended SAturn99.

It was held at El Shaddai Christian Youth Camp at Wellington (100k east of Adelaide)
For those that do not know the concept of these events (Down Under Turn Around is another as is Wagga. Refer to http://www.ubeaut.com.au/index2.htm ), it is quite simple.

All woodturners are equal and share their knowledge.Woodturners from complete novice to those that make a living from it are let loose to turn whatever turns them on. Every body is willing to show every one else how they achieve that particular look.

The weekend started on Friday for those that could manage to get there then. Registration and unloading all the gear takes place and then it is into the turning.

Everything from miniatures, honey dips, table legs, rolling pins and small bowls up to large platters were turned, with novices being shown the correct way to accomplish the desired effect.

Imagine having private tuition from some experienced turners over a whole weekend!!

Turners from Victoria, Queensland and all over S.A. attended the weekend and had an absolute ball.

All meals and accomodation are included in the entry fee.

Most people start at about 8.00am and are still going at 10.00pm.

I had a great weekend as did my wife. I heard no complaints from any one and if you didn't learn something new then it was your own fault. Food was plentiful and excellent.

A great event and I would reccomend it to anyone.

Ian () Robertson
"We do good turns every day"

[This message has been edited by (edited 18 August 1999).]