View Full Version : Boxmaker's Router Table - WIP

14th February 2006, 08:26 PM
Greetings Boxmakers

Thought you may be interested in some work in progress (WIP) photo's of my new router table. As you will see it is modelled on Roger Gifkins double router table with a few variations ... 1) As I had some sheets of 19mm yellow tongue flooring left over from some building work, most recent things in my workshop are constructed from flooring rather than MDF. ... 2) One of the routers is the new Triton 1400 with the through the table winder, the other is my old and trusty Makita ... 3) I have enclosed the base (door still to come) with a DE port at the back ... 4) I have wired it so that I have a separate switch for each router at the front.

The top is 19mm flooring with 2 sheets of 3mm Lamipanel on top and 1 sheet under to give it stability. I have used it quite a bit already, in fact have now completed the front door with perspex viewing windows but have not photographed it ... will do so shortly! The DE works well and I am happy with the amount of air getting to the motors so they will not get hot ... in fact I have drilled a series of holes in the top to drag any dust into the box section and then to the DE.


Zoot Esq.

14th February 2006, 08:34 PM
Mate, how do reach the table top???:confused::confused:

14th February 2006, 08:37 PM
Nice work Zoot. Your finish is exceptional. Mine looks similar but only a mother could love it. It's functional but ugly and I use it all the time with my Gifkins Jig. Greenie on the way.;)

14th February 2006, 08:38 PM
Mate, how do reach the table top???:confused::confused:

She has much more hair than me!! The dog is Ukie, a Guide Dog puppy who is having a holiday at my place for a few weeks before being allocated to a client ... she graduated from Guide Dog School about 3 weeks ago and it will be hard to part with her, as she is a great dog!

Zoot Esq.

14th February 2006, 08:44 PM
Good on yer mate. The Royal guide Dogs are the only charity I support. Mainly cause my Diabetes will end up making me blind ( can't see too good already :( Diabetic retinopathy has got hold of me peepers). The Fred Hollows Foundation and the RGDs figure prominently in my will.;)

14th February 2006, 09:16 PM
Good on yer mate. The Royal guide Dogs are the only charity I support. Mainly cause my Diabetes will end up making me blind ( can't see too good already :( Diabetic retinopathy has got hold of me peepers). The Fred Hollows Foundation and the RGDs figure prominently in my will.;)

Going to a Guide Dog Graduation is amazing ... to see dogs that you knew as puppies so changed after 5 months of intensive training and working in their harness is somewhat mindblowing!!! At Ukie's graduation I was allowed to walk her in her harness (something I have never done before) and it was a very special experience to feel the sensations coming through the harness and yet when her harness is off, she is a normal dog and loves cuddles and loves to play ... but in harness, she knows she is working!!

Hope that you never need to have a guide dog.



14th February 2006, 10:24 PM
zoot you've inspired me to make a table similar. thanks.
I've got almost everything I need, 2 spare routers, timber for the table, gifkins jig.only thing lacking is space in the shed. might have to claim the pergola as my shed extension lol

14th February 2006, 11:22 PM
zoot you've inspired me to make a table similar. thanks.
I've got almost everything I need, 2 spare routers, timber for the table, gifkins jig.only thing lacking is space in the shed. might have to claim the pergola as my shed extension lol

What do you need a pergola for anyway? Aren't they just a space where you sit around and drink beer, when you could be having fun making things! If anyone askes, I give you permission to claim the pergola as your shed extension!!

Zoot Esq. JP!

15th February 2006, 08:44 AM
does the dog have ear muffs ? imagine a deaf guide dog!!! :D

nice table - 2 routers - must help...

15th February 2006, 02:28 PM
zoot you've inspired me to make a table similar. thanks.
I've got almost everything I need, 2 spare routers, timber for the table, gifkins jig.only thing lacking is space in the shed. might have to claim the pergola as my shed extension lol

Lucky you, the pergola is my shed! :(