View Full Version : What timbers are these?

28th February 2006, 12:21 PM
Hi all,
Could you help me identify the 2 types of timbers I've got in the attached photo. The slabs were part of a workbench my father-in-law built (rather, cobbled together) and I'm now using as the basis for my own.
I've edge joined them with the lighter colour between just to get a different effect.
The dark stains along the wood grain are the reminders that FIL used the bench for mostly metal work and oil changes!
Your thoughts would be appreciated...

E. maculata
28th February 2006, 05:41 PM
G'day Miss Moo;) , I reckon what you've got there is Sydney Bluegum (the reddish coloured stuff obviously:rolleyes: )& New England Blackbutt, or something similar.

1st March 2006, 05:38 PM
Sydney Bluegum (the reddish coloured stuff obviously:rolleyes: ).

I did wonder about the red coloured timber - both pieces were black with years of dust and grime, so when I got busy with the plane it was a bit of a shock to see the two distinct colours appear!!