View Full Version : informative video ( dennis white )

6th March 2006, 08:10 PM
hye guys

went to the library:o the other day and picked up a video called Boxes goblets and screw threads.

this video raised a few questions,

where do you buy screw thread turning tools ( i've probably used the wrong words)

why do you turn screw threads at lower speeds (400rpm).

is it advisable for a beginner to cut in the top right corner on faceplate turning and with goblets?

btw dennis is a brilliant turner

ps i'll try to find someone in the cessnock wood turners to teach me screw threads ( if any one knows how , the video sed its almost extinct)

sorry if this kind of thing has been posted before.... i forgot to do a search:o

John Saxton
6th March 2006, 09:33 PM
Hi, if you've got access to a decent woodturning shop/internet THREAD CHASERS are still available.

If they're not readily available from your local shop try the internet using the term 'thread chaser' in your search.

There are also the Taiwanese/Chinese manufactured thread cutting tools available for wood in various sizes but can amount in money if you want a range of them.

Using thread chasers requires a firm grip and with a lower speed on the lathe you have more control of the cutting of the thread.

IF you're referring to Dennis White as I think you are as I have a video of that name then yes he was notable for being one of the classic turners of the recent revival in woodturning.


7th March 2006, 06:58 PM
lathe you have more control of the cutting of the thread.

IF you're referring to Dennis White as I think you are as I have a video of that name then yes he was notable for being one of the classic turners of the recent revival in woodturning.

