View Full Version : Malle Root

9th April 2006, 06:51 AM
I have a large Jarrah burl about a 1 meter in diameter and 80mm thick, i want to make a table out of this and thought of mounting it onto a root structure like a malle root or similer, I dont know were in perth to find someone that sells something like this If anyone could give me some ideas of people they deal with in the Perth area or down Albany way.

9th April 2006, 07:38 AM
"There is a total of about 515 described species of Eucalypts. Of these, approximately 108 are Mallee eucalypts, 71 occur only in Western-Australia"

Mallee growth in WA is mostly in the Gold Fields area, so a look in the Yellow Pages for the area (which should be available for view at any Post Office), or a couple of days wandering about out that way may be useful.

Here, there are two main types, a 'red,' and a 'yellow' which seems the more dense. Have you worked this wood before? It breaks easier that it cuts.:D ......... and, it's not easy to break!

9th April 2006, 02:01 PM
There is a place in Denmark that specialise in the sort of things you are after.



10th April 2006, 08:54 AM
yes Djalimari is good, i got some form them and its very nice...mmm
there a guy in the wheat belt, sell at the wood shows has lots of malee cut and roots etc..check out the perth wood show..


12th April 2006, 03:28 PM
Nice people there at Djarilmari , fantastic timbers they send me too . I wish I could just go down and get stuff in person , great to deal with through email and postal delivery though !:)