View Full Version : Dog's Defecating On Front Lawns

9th April 2006, 01:48 PM

Help needed with ways to prevent unwanted dog's from deficating on front lawn

I have tried the water bottlse products like "dog gone" etc and spraying lawn with diluted citronella oil.

Has anyone had succes with any products or deterents.

I know the answer is a fence but that would be the my last choice.

The event happens very early in the mornings or very late at night

Cheers sam

9th April 2006, 02:14 PM
Have you tried putting out the clear plastic bottles filled with water?

9th April 2006, 02:16 PM
Proberly dogs being walked if its late at night or early mornings , just gonna have to sit up and wait then ask the owners not to let their dogs use your front yard, or scoop it up fpllow them home and post it to them ...ie push into their letterbox,

Or use the same instrument you used to clear the pub, but that might be a bit noisy ;)



9th April 2006, 04:11 PM
Claymores would be great.
Just remember..."Front Toward Enemy" :D

9th April 2006, 06:55 PM
Claymores would be great.
Just remember..."Front Toward Enemy" :D
Click click click boom.

9th April 2006, 07:03 PM

A handfull of frozen peas will do wonders, you don't even have to hit the target.



9th April 2006, 09:55 PM
Maybe a sign would help... :cool:

9th April 2006, 10:24 PM
There was a half arsed experiment on the box about this recently. Water bottles did nothing, I think lemon? may have worked. Can't really remember that well.

9th April 2006, 11:37 PM
Maybe, since its happening in the dark, setup one of those movement activated floodlights.

It may not scare the dog off. But it'll probably scare the owner if its being walked.

Can give you quite a shock, those things. uno, to suddenly be hit with a light while doing something shifty in the dark. (Happened to me once, taking a leak:eek: ...nearly pee'd all over me jeans)

At the very least, it may bring some added security.

journeyman Mick
9th April 2006, 11:51 PM
................Can give you quite a shock, those things. uno, to suddenly be hit with a light while doing something shifty in the dark. (Happened to me once, taking a leak:eek: ...nearly pee'd all over me jeans) .................

I think Al got you on film too!:eek: (This incident did happen a the Craporium, didn't it?)


9th April 2006, 11:57 PM
I think Al got you on film too!:eek: (This incident did happen a the Craporium, didn't it?)


What !!!!! :eek: no way ! :D

10th April 2006, 12:58 AM
You need a sensor movement activated sprinkler.

10th April 2006, 01:01 AM
You need a sensor movement activated sprinkler.

Now that sounds like a good idea

10th April 2006, 01:32 AM
Here I go again - Lee Valley gardening section has the sprinklers - just one column over from woodworking.

Another idea - place dog c### in large paper bag. When 'enough' is collected, take bag to dog owner's house, place bag on door step, set fire to loose end of bag, ring bell & run like hell :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

10th April 2006, 09:52 AM
Simple, wait and collect the dogs as they pass on your grass. Then call the council dog folks. My dog was picked up once and it cost me $200. Or if the owner of the dog has just lets it make a deposit, take a photo (or pretend to have) and yell out "SMILE!!! Now clean it up!".

Or you can just play with a sling shot, BB gun or something like that.

10th April 2006, 10:02 AM
I think Ashore is right - target the owners, not the dogs.
ApricotTripper has the best idea with the movement activated floodlight if the dog is with it's owner. How about a little "PLEASE STEP AWAY FROM THE CAR..." type recording that plays when the light comes on... something like "PLEASE STOP CRAPPING ON MY FRONT LAWN...". Hmmm, that would be good when the Mother in Law calls after dark too...

My first part time job as a kid was working in the Greek FruitnVeg shop across the road. There was a German Shepard that used to p1ss on the front door every day when it went past. He then waited with a bit of kerosine in a bucket and threw it at the dog when it went to p1ss on the door the next day. It took off up the street trying to wipe the smell off. All the owner had to was splash a few drops of kero at the door every now and then, the dog gave the shop a wide berth. Seems dogs hate the smell of kero. Can't condone this treatment now of course :rolleyes: but it did the trick. (perhaps best not to do it if the owner is attached to the dog with a lead... hmmm, then again....)

10th April 2006, 10:05 AM
Thanks guys

Some good replies.

Really loke the idea of the water sprinkler but as those are currently banned in our area its out.

The light also sounds great as I am a electrician that will not be hard to set up. :)

The water bottles definitely do not work.:(

Tried the citronella out again last night and only had a small deposit left big improvement. Biggest problem there is the citronella os oil based and will if too much is used kill the grass.

Have also armed myself with your method midge but catching them is a problem. I have never seen the provider just the deposit. Nerang disposals sell a pretty good unit and also sell the bands:p

Thanks for all the answers and the humour if I find somthing that works I will post;)

12th April 2006, 11:54 PM
We had a problem with wandering dogs at our place some time ago.
rang up the council and the braught out a dog trap and left it with me for a week or so.
made sure I told the neibours.
Didn't catch a damn thing:( but didnt have any more problems either.

Had a stupid mut from down the road kept comming into the front yard a while ago. Called the dopey thing over & zippie tied a big piece of cardboard to its colar with a message for the owner. Caught your dog... next time the pound!

Electric fence?


borrow a verrry large angry dog and tie it up in your front yard?

just call the pound.


13th April 2006, 09:18 AM
G'day Soundman

Some more great ideas. If I can catch the dog the note trick is great. Recon the dogs are coming just before or in the wee hours after 0 dark hundred.

Used a maxi crop product called Skedaddle but it also appears to be of no use. Its a matter of breaking the dogs habit. Definitley like the activated sprinkler idea Australian version available from the Gold Coast. Pity about the water restrictions.

Cheers Sam

13th April 2006, 11:05 AM
Perhaps some food would do the trick, I dont like eating on the dunny so perhaps the dog wont either. It stopped a cat crapping on my door mat (every night), I just feed it once a week with the cheapest nastiest home brand cat food and it stopped. If it starts again..... well, it is used to food now therefore likely to be easy to trap.


13th April 2006, 11:36 AM
There are certain " persons" who deliberately let their dogs out morning & evening so they crap on other peoples lawns & footpaths... bastards.

Go to the toy shop & buy one of those killer water pistols and load it with something smelly & perhaps some food dye & ambush the mut.

One old solution was a long bit of rag with a big knot in the end... the end bit soaked in kerro.... grab said dog my the tail & whak it up the date with the knoty kero end....the rspca wont like it but the dog wont be back.:D no probably wouldn't do that:rolleyes:

feed it catch it & call the pound.
A dog belongs in its own yard.


13th April 2006, 05:53 PM
What about Cats? I hate friggin cats! Most cat owners seem to think they can let their cats roam free day and night. They dig and p*&^ and s#$@ in my garden all the time. I hate friggin cats!

Green Woodchips
13th April 2006, 06:00 PM

Ah, finally the voice of reason enters the discussion. A nice segway.

Cats, huh? Where do I start?


13th April 2006, 08:04 PM
Now in many places in QLD cats & dogs have the same rights & responsibilities.

If caught out of their yard they can be taken to the pound.


13th April 2006, 08:16 PM
What about Cats? I hate friggin cats! Most cat owners seem to think they can let their cats roam free day and night. They dig and p*&^ and s#$@ in my garden all the time. I hate friggin cats!

yeh, I'm not too thrilled with them either. But still, I'm not keen on having to teach them how to snorkel in the wheelly bin. :o I tell ya, my karma's shot.

ooops, I spose I just put myself on a few animal lovers ignore lists :D :D
:eek: no, no, no....there all strays !...only do it to the big ugly toms that terrorise the wild life and the ladies (before they get fixed ! :mad:) )and scratch you to pieces when you grab them.

13th April 2006, 08:23 PM
What about Cats? I hate friggin cats! Most cat owners seem to think they can let their cats roam free day and night. They dig and p*&^ and s#$@ in my garden all the time. I hate friggin cats!

Rabbit traps work well if spiced with cat food...................Hmmm yum.
Just have a nice sharp knife handy to set them free...

Al :p

13th April 2006, 10:44 PM
SKK sorry I forgot Johny took em all away

14th April 2006, 10:49 PM
G'day All.
Just got back from my Mum's place.
She was having the same sort of problem with dogs crapping on the lawn.
She sprinkles Cloudy Ammonia all over the grass. It doesn't hurt the grass and the dogs can't get away fast enough.
Humans can't smell it.
If it rains, She does it again when the grass has dried.
It is available from most supermarkets.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
14th April 2006, 11:02 PM
As a kid with a morning paper-round, I only had to carry a water-pistol for about a week. I can heartily attest that they don't like cloudy ammonia; most mutts learned after only a couple of close encounters. :D

14th April 2006, 11:51 PM
G'day All.
Just got back from my Mum's place.
She was having the same sort of problem with dogs crapping on the lawn.
She sprinkles Cloudy Ammonia all over the grass. It doesn't hurt the grass and the dogs can't get away fast enough.
Humans can't smell it.
If it rains, She does it again when the grass has dried.
It is available from most supermarkets.

Cloudy Ammonia. No kidding. Thats sounds like the best idea, if it doesn't hurt the grass and we can't smell it. I'll remember that. Ta :)

15th April 2006, 09:48 AM
Thanks Trevor and Skew I will get some today and give it a try

Cheers Sam

15th April 2006, 10:35 AM
G'day All.
She sprinkles Cloudy Ammonia all over the grass. It doesn't hurt the grass and the dogs can't get away fast enough.
Humans can't smell it.

That's not quite correct, Cloudy ammonia is a 10% solution of ammonium hydroxide and 10% detergent or surfactant. Humans can smell it, if you take the top of a bottle and have a big whiff it can even knock you out (I did that as a kid) briefly and make your eyes water for a couple of hours. It is also a mild skin irritant and repeated exposure has been linked to fertility problems in both men and women. If you use it in small amounts its probably OK but I suggest looking up the MSDS before spraying it all over the place and kids come and play regularly on the grass.

The way the ammonia works as an anti dog agent is that a few minutes after spraying the levels of ammonia in the air fall below what humans can detect but dogs having noses 200 times more sensitive will continue to detect it for a few days.

15th April 2006, 12:21 PM
Thanks Bob

Have not purchased so will do some more research

Cheers Sam

17th April 2006, 09:45 PM
If it is at all possible take it out on the owner, its thier fault for either not training them properly or letting them roam.

26th April 2006, 06:49 PM
shanghai + frangible ammo [JAFFAS].
Just be careful because if you miss the chocolate may be eaten and that could be harmful for the ummm, aarrr, pet.

26th April 2006, 07:00 PM
When I had the same problem years ago before I became all nice and sensible and and pc etc I drilled a hole in a golf ball and glued it onto a target arrow. Hit this dog in the rump from about 50 metres once, he shifted into hyperdrive and never came back.
Damn you apricot, now I'm wondering if this broken leg is kharma? (my carma just ran over your dogma?):rolleyes:

27th April 2006, 04:41 PM
The use of any of the ammonia base products as a deterent ia an old wives tale.

Current understanding is that it will actually encourage the dog to return to that spot. When urine breaks down it is supposed to form uric acid (sp) then further into ammonia like compounds and its this aroma that bring the dog back because last time it was a comfortable place.

This theory is even being taught in Puppy school for training young puppies when in the house in appropriate.

27th April 2006, 06:11 PM
How about a big box of black pepper.
Sniff that mut.:D

27th April 2006, 06:35 PM
I heard of people using black pepper, white pepper, tabasco sauce (these products generally used to stop chewing) and commercial "dog gone" products which are based on methly keytones - notice the druggies haven't found them for production of coke or is it speed whatever.

Generally nothing works that you put on a lawn and forget. If the dog isn't crapping on the lawn then its just found a nicer view somewhere else (how do you think this fallicy of the clear bottle came to pass).

Best way - threaten/prosecute/etc the owner or call the pound for strays (no collar tag) or call council if an owned animal. The garden hose is also good for unowned animals. If you live in a rural area I believe you can shoot it but must return the carcass to the owner if known (please do NOT take this as gospel) - gun laws preclude this within the Metro area

27th April 2006, 07:19 PM
Tabasco and other chillie based sauces do work.

We had a pup (still have a dignified old 12 y o) who used to chew on power cables. Coated said cables in pepper, tabasco, Mamma's Hot Chillie Sauce (ex Antiga) all mixed up with oil and he never repeated the offence.

Don't know if this could be modified for your front patch. Don't need to worry about rain tho. Will it ever rain again in Sydney?

9th November 2006, 10:32 PM
On the topic of dog poo - In Fiji, where the locals drink gallons of kava/yaqona (piper methysticum), they use the grounds of the powdered mix to keep dogs out of their yard. If you have a kava-loving Fijian friend, ask him to keep the waste grounds/powder for you - then simply sprinkle it around your front yard and it definitely keeps dogs away.

Years ago when our neighbour's dogs used to poo right next to the fenceline, we sprinkled used kava powder all along the fenceline. The 2 dogs kept well away from the fence after that & poo-ed on their owner's verandah! Great stuff!!!!

Problem is having to top up every now and again, so you'd have to find a Fijian who is addicted to kava.