View Full Version : Robbos Tip of the Week

26th August 1999, 07:49 PM
Every now and again things start sticking on lathes due to wet turning, sappy timber or 100 other reasons.

The lathe is a machine and as such needs some maintanance every now and again like your car.

Every so often we clean the beds down with thinners and spray with CRC or WD40 and wipe off the excess. Dismantle the tailstock, clean with Kero or Petrol and reassemble using engine oil. Clean out the morse tapers with a piece of #220 sand paper and blow out with compressed air, do the same with the drives and tail centres on the tapers.

Check drive belts for cracks and fatigue.

Clean out dust and sawdust from around and under all cavities. Wipe the whole the whole thing over with CRC etc. on a cloth.

Your lathe will love you for it and you may even enjoy the break from turning.

Ian () Robertson
"We do good turns every day"

26th August 1999, 08:27 PM
Yeah! I did that to mine just before taking it to Sydney WWW Show. It rewarded me by blowing up in Doorstops face. He is now scarred for life (mentally scarred) he will never be the same again. He is now very quiet and does what he is told. A scared, little, wierd guy. Not like the old loud-mouthed, boysterous, unruley, lout he used to be.

Come to think of it that could be a good thing. Better clean and service it again before the WWW Show in Melbourne. Maybe it will do the same for our demonstrator there.

Thanks for the tip .