View Full Version : How do you get your hands clean?

23rd April 2006, 07:36 PM
Woodwork's not so bad, but when screwing around with metal my hands get really filthy, and I've amost got to scrub the skin off to get them clean, then there's the fingernails..................

I'm not some sort of faggot, but I can't do my daytime job with hands like a stoker. I've used a barrier cream, but while that helps, I often forget to apply it.

At school we used 'Swarfega' but I've not seen it on sale.

What do youse horny handed, sons of blacksmiths use?

23rd April 2006, 07:40 PM
Avon darling, Avon..


Al http://www.ubeaut.biz/boobies.gif

23rd April 2006, 07:40 PM
solvol liqiud soap in pump pack, smells evil but works well

23rd April 2006, 07:47 PM
I'm not some sort of faggot, but I can't do my daytime job with hands like a stoker. I've used a barrier cream, but while that helps, I often forget to apply it. :D :D :D

I had a client once who was a surgeon whose hobby was bashing, cutting welding and making stuff with metal. Sitting at my desk, my poofy little lillywhites really did look somewhat effeminate beside his manly plates.

I also always forget to use the barrier cream.

I've used a few commercial handcleaning things in the past, just buy a four litre can with a dispenser from Repco or whatever. Currently I'm using BoatCraft Pacific's handcleaner, because it's good with epoxy, it's citrus based which smells pretty, and has pumice in it which makes it feel quite blokey, without actually taking off dirt all the way through the dermis like Solvol does!

Sometimes, the washing powder gets a go too, I just love the heat it generates as the chemical reactions take place right there in your palm!


P (who has heard that one can use Anusol for a temporary face lift as well)
:D :D :D

23rd April 2006, 07:55 PM
solvol liqiud soap in pump pack, smells evil but works well

I tried that, but I felt the solvol bars were better. Could scrub it out better.

23rd April 2006, 08:11 PM
Pour some OMO powder into your hand and some turps to make a slurry and scrub. Gets rid of anything:)

23rd April 2006, 08:11 PM
I like the sweet smelling lemon stuff,..as long as it has sand in it!!

23rd April 2006, 08:11 PM
I'm a mechanic and if I'm doing something at home and end up with grease and grime all over, I often reach for the dishwashing liquid...works fine but make sure SWMBO doesn't find greasy paw prints on the bottle !

23rd April 2006, 08:18 PM
The last good stuff I got was from BOC in a 4 litre can , lasts a couple of years as I don't do that much grease work anymore
Similar to swarf..... works just as well but the lanolin doesn't seem to settle out as much.
Next time you are in the big smoke ( newcastle ) give me a pm and I'll get you some


23rd April 2006, 08:31 PM
Thanks guys, I work my way thru the suggestions.

Ashore, when I'm next in the mediumish smoke, I'll take you up on the offer, thanks. If you could also find some coal or coke for my forge, I'll have your babies.

BM. Anusol is commonly used for looking better, in extremis, ie after a monster night on the town. To get rid of those huge grey bags, under the eyes, rub a bit on the offending area. Gets tight as a virgin's whatnot.

23rd April 2006, 08:39 PM
The Anusol works because of its astringent properties - exactly the same way as it shrinks the cause of the pita

23rd April 2006, 08:41 PM
If you could also find some coal or coke for my forge
Coal takes longer we get heaps into the port but I will check around to see if I can get my hands on any, if I can I will PM you , never tried before .... not a common trade thing ... hummmm


23rd April 2006, 08:48 PM
... I'm not some sort of faggot...

Thanks for clearing that up :p

Always wondered about your moniker, tho' , hmmm :D

horny handedhttp://www.ubeaut.biz/wanker.gif

Nah, seriously :) get some decent workshop hand cleaner, work it thoroughly into your hands without water, then rinse it off.



23rd April 2006, 08:53 PM
I'm not some sort of faggot........

Not that there's anything wrong with that...:eek:

Metal Head
24th April 2006, 04:37 PM
I use perfumed hand soap and mix in some salt which does the trick for me. Swarfega is a good alternative if you have the money.

But as mentioned previously putting the barrier cream on first generally eradicates this problem

24th April 2006, 05:01 PM
After you got em clean as possible.

Say to swmbo, you're working too hard dear.

I'll do the dishes for you.

Them wash up all the dinner dishes in the hottest water you can tolerate in the kitchen sink. Result nice clean pinkies.

24th April 2006, 06:04 PM
After you got em clean as possible.

Say to swmbo, you're working too hard dear.

I'll do the dishes for you.

Them wash up all the dinner dishes in the hottest water you can tolerate in the kitchen sink. Result nice clean pinkies.

Bit drastic Echidna! Might set a precedent.

On that note; I noticed I got clean hands after using oven cleaner to clean saw blades and caustic soda toi clean residual gunk off paint stripped plane bodies. I would prefer to retain at least some dermis tho.

24th April 2006, 06:08 PM
Napisan soap bar. Seems to get the s..t of real well.:)

24th April 2006, 06:19 PM
Got a tin of Protectolene which works for me when I remember to use it. Mostly I use a bar of soap and then wipe them clean on the towel that SWMBO reserves for drying her hair.

Cliff Rogers
24th April 2006, 06:56 PM
Half a handfull of washing powder, dribble of water to get it mushy & heating up & half a handfull of good clean dirt, clay or fine sand.
Scrub it all over your hands & then wash it off in warm water.

If you are no where near the laundary, but have access to kero, dirt & water, same trick, use the dirt & kero first & then wash it off.

Bob's idea of doing the washing up is good for getting rid of the smell.;)

24th April 2006, 08:58 PM
Shaving cream.

Not kidding.

If, on the off chance I do need to get my hands spotless (which is rare), I'll often scrub up my hands with a softish nail brush while I am having a shave. I have roofing nails for whiskers, so I let the foam sit a while.

Shaving foam/cream/gel is designed to get the fungus as wet as possible as fast as possible, which is why it's a great soap. All soap does is make stuff wet, the water actually washes most of the gunge away. Based on that, shaving foam being very good at making things wet, means it works very well.

But most of the other ideas work too. Mostly based on either breaking down the oil/gunge or making your hands wetter than normal soap.

For everyday washing of hands, I use washing liquid because they give it out for free around here at times and I usually make a Scot look like a spendthrift. ;)

journeyman Mick
25th April 2006, 12:18 AM
You're meant to get them clean?:eek: :o


25th April 2006, 01:30 AM
.....who has heard that one can use Anusol for a temporary face lift as well

(I apologise in advance for this but I find I am utterly unable to resist the opportunity! :D :D :D )

Anusol - I tried that once but, for all the good it did me, I might as well have shoved it up me bum!

(I'm not going to take all the blame. Peter started it - he didn't have to mention Anusol, did he? I mean. We-e-ll ... he didn't :o )

25th April 2006, 11:03 AM
(I apologise in advance for this but I find I am utterly unable to resist the opportunity! :D :D :D )

Anusol - I tried that once but, for all the good it did me, I might as well have shoved it up me bum!

From the product name I can see why you thought of that use :D :D

25th April 2006, 11:42 AM
Ditto what Schtoo said re the shaving cream, my SIL works at an old folks home and reckons the shaving cream is the go to get the stink outa your hands from cleaning up, er, things :o

Cheers...............Sean, not cack handed :p

27th April 2006, 07:22 PM

I use a hand cleaner called Peerless from Bunnies. It cleans everything from Oil paint to metal. Before this I used a similar hand cleaner from the Reject shop which was about half the price that Bunnies sell it for.

Andy Mac
27th April 2006, 11:44 PM
Stick with some of the better brands of industrial handcleaner, some have grit like Solvol in them, good stuff...forget about the environmentally friendly ones!:eek:
Most engineering suppliers will stock the basics, but also try specialist H&S shops or even farm supplies. A pump top is best for really greasy work, but a hole in the lid with a ribbed bit of dowel poked through works fine.
When I was a greasy fitter in the mines I had to use the stuff on my legs as well, to get off the cr*p coming through my overalls :eek: :mad:
Woodwork is much nicer...:D

18th May 2006, 03:38 PM
try ct 18 truck wash nice and soft on the hands too also the citrus cleaners used for bathroom cleaners work well to even cleans diesel oil off

20th May 2006, 10:09 AM

Don't know if you can get it Oz but I use KRESTO which is made by STOKO. (Stockhausen) It's friggen amazing. The grit is crushed wallnut shell (ASTOPON) which means its environmentally friendly, and not only does it cut through anything, it has a skin care ingredient called EUCORNOL which means its not aggresive at all.

Here's a link to an American supplier where more info can be found. If they don't have it in Oz then one of you blokes should think about importing it. It craps all over anything I've ever tried:



Scratching your fingernails over an old bar of soap before you start work is good if you don't mind the feeling. Afterwards, you simply wash the soap (and whatevers sticking to it) away.


And as for doing the dishes... I told my German girlfriend that it's illegal for a man to enter the kitchen in Australia, unless he's reaching into the fridge for a coldie. Don't you blokes go fillin' her head with any nonsense now....


Toolin Around
20th May 2006, 11:45 AM
I've found regular dishwashing soap (and a soft scrub brush if I have a thick grease to clean off) will get rid of anything I've come across.

20th May 2006, 03:37 PM
In my game i get have to buy a lot of the industrial stuff for clients so i get the stuff for the same price.......in 20kg drums.:D

Septone is pretty good as is the "scrubber" brand.
Both of these can be obtained in small pump packs if you look in the right place.

Chris Parks
23rd May 2006, 02:07 AM
Clean engine oil is great for getting dirt out, wipe off with a rag then wash with soap. Soluble oil is also just as good, though harder to find.

18th June 2006, 04:14 AM
Might as well throw in my .02Cdn. I have to agree with the liquid dishsoap/brush camp for the nasty cleanups but I go one step further. I use a product we have here called Invisible Glove that comes in a squeeze tube and you apply it by simply rubbing it into your hands ( I usally go right up to the elbow) like soap and let it dry for a minute. It forms a transparent barrier to oil, dirt etc. and washes off like soap with plain water and no scrubbing:eek:. There must be a similar product available there???

Toolin Around
18th June 2006, 09:30 AM
Might as well throw in my .02Cdn. I have to agree with the liquid dishsoap/brush camp for the nasty cleanups but I go one step further. I use a product we have here called Invisible Glove that comes in a squeeze tube and you apply it by simply rubbing it into your hands ( I usally go right up to the elbow) like soap and let it dry for a minute. It forms a transparent barrier to oil, dirt etc. and washes off like soap with plain water and no scrubbing:eek:. There must be a similar product available there???

Great minds think alike:D ... Must be te Canadian blood (though mine's flowing a bit warmer now that I live here). Where abouts are ya in the great frozen north.

19th June 2006, 03:32 AM
Great minds think alike:D ... Must be te Canadian blood (though mine's flowing a bit warmer now that I live here). Where abouts are ya in the great frozen north.

We used to live in Toronto but last November we finally escaped the place to live on our 100 beautiful wooded acres 100 mi. north of there near Owen Sound. City?...never again:mad: So, is there Invisible Glove down under?


19th June 2006, 10:27 AM
Following all the advice, I now use a silicon barrier cream on my hands, try to remember to put on gloves (which always tear anyway) and clean up with Solvol. Still need to really scrub around the nails tho.

Phil Spencer
19th June 2006, 02:53 PM
Woodwork's not so bad, but when screwing around with metal my hands get really filthy, and I've amost got to scrub the skin off to get them clean, then there's the fingernails..................

I'm not some sort of faggot, but I can't do my daytime job with hands like a stoker. I've used a barrier cream, but while that helps, I often forget to apply it.

At school we used 'Swarfega' but I've not seen it on sale.

What do youse horny handed, sons of blacksmiths use?

I make a meat loaf. For some reason running my hands through raw mince and sausage meat cleans them really well and also leaves them soft.

I then feed the meat loaf to the dog no one else will eat it don't know why.
