View Full Version : Brisbane Wood Show

10th May 2006, 01:12 PM
Hi Guys,
I am coming over for the show on Saturday so I just thought that it could be an idea to maybe catch up with some of you for a coffee or beer and then be able to put a face behind the names on the forum.

After the show I am off to Toowoomba to see my father-in-law as he is getting on a bit in years, and then it looks like I will have to cut the trip short as the second grandchild looks like comming on Wed by C section as mum has high blood pressure, and I need to finish the rocking cradle for them. Which is well on the way, should have it finished by then.

If anyone is interested in meeting up, just send me a PM with you're Mobile # so I can contact you to arrange.


Peter D

dai sensei
10th May 2006, 07:17 PM
Check out the "woodies events" section of this forum. We usually meet up in the eating area around morning tea, and again at lunch time, just look for the hats.

See you there.


doug the slug
10th May 2006, 07:26 PM
I will be there friday and saturday, PM for mobile #, anyone who wants to catch up feel free to call

10th May 2006, 08:19 PM
Hi Peter,

I'll be at the show on Saturday and then back in Toowoomba myself Saturday night. I'll pm you.


11th May 2006, 09:11 AM
Me and Hat

See you Sat.

:rolleyes: :cool: :D

11th May 2006, 10:28 AM
Will be great to meet others with like minds.
Went to the Auckland show and it was just crap,:eek: :eek: :eek: had been down graded to DIY show. When it first arrived here about 2 years ago I thought GREAT this might grow to a show that might get to the size of the Brisbane show, which I have been to a couple of times.:) :) :) No way now. Don't think I would bother again, Just go to the BNE show, and catch up with friend over there.
See you Saturday
