View Full Version : staining a cot?

13th May 2006, 04:23 PM
Hi guys,

Im thinking of making a cot for my inlaws new arival and due to limited funds, I was thinking about just using pine. Is there a safe way to stain or varnish the cot. I just know its going to be chewed, sucked, etc.


13th May 2006, 05:00 PM
Is it for a dog or a child:p

Seriously I have never found chew marks in any cot that my offspring have been detained in.:D

Most that are painted seem to be in an enamel. I would use danish oil or china tung oil and leave it in the sun so it has dried fully.

Did a search and didnt turn those oils up as a problem.

Muzzle perhaps:p

13th May 2006, 08:01 PM
Re safety:
Says in The Practical Woodworker bible :-
"Teak oil and Danish oil contain mineral extracts (I read somewhere else that these mineral extracts were 'heavy metals') to help to preserve wood. . . One word of caution, oil is sometimes used to finish culinary utensils and salad bowls. Cleary, metallic based oils are not suitable for such items. . ."
Seems like these would be harmfull to little tackers. . .
Why not a spirit-based stain and a good waxing?

13th May 2006, 09:11 PM
I'm with Dazzler here. We have 2 cots here that have seen at least 10 kids between them. Lots of wear and tear, but no teeth marks.

I dunno, but some of the water based stuff might be ok. It's what I use when it's for kids, albeit a little older. ;)

15th May 2006, 01:47 PM
I'm building a cot myself at the moment and was going through a similar decision process.

I really like the look of the Feast Watson FloorSeal product, so asked them about toxicity.

I got a very detailed reply and a material datasheet that basically stated it's Tung oil based, and once fully cured is non-toxic.


17th May 2006, 08:44 AM
thanks guys, thats put the wifes mind at ease, allthough i spent about two nights in the dogs kenel after sugesting a muzzle would be a cheaper solution. :D