View Full Version : Jasmin’s bedside table

14th May 2006, 09:30 PM
One day Jasmin came to the garage and asked if I could build her a bedside table. And how could I say no to such a lovely little lady so its time to go to work. In the past I could easily make one with MDF, paint it purple and no worries she will love it. Now I just can’t do that stuff anymore. (not that’s anything wrong with it). Also Jasmin wont be a little girl forever so this one is made to last.

I didn’t want to buy more timber than I had to so the design was depended on what I had and their sizes. I kind of made it up as I went along. It is made from blackbutt, Tas blackwood, Tas myrtle and some “Bunnings Tas Oak”

The Tas Oak dovetails are a bit hard to cut. There are so many of them and the wood is so hard to chisel.

I wanted to do something different with the handles. It was a bit of an experiment really. I use some off-cut tas myrtle cut them on a bandsaw. I hope you don’t find it too arty farty.

The door panel is a bugger to make. Fitting the panel to the frame is so tricky. It is hard to get bevel angle and the depth of cut right. I reckon the degree of difficulty is right up there in the same category as finding an undie that fits you best. It needs to be tight enough to hold the panel in place but also loose enough to let it move around. :D I did have a hard time doing it but lets put it down to lack of experience.

Thank goodness for the LV LA block plane, shoulder plane and smooth plane. Fitting the door and the drawer was made a lot easier. Fit, trim, fit again and trim again…:cool:

To finish it off I used 2 coats of minwax wipe-on poly.

14th May 2006, 09:45 PM
Excellent work there Wongo. Jasmin is one lucky girl.

14th May 2006, 09:50 PM
Hi Wongo,

Jasmine should be very pleased with what dad has made for her and it will be around for a long time, Good one mate, very nice

Regards Mike;) ;)

14th May 2006, 10:37 PM
nice one wongo.....the dovetails look great...hope jasmin enjoys

14th May 2006, 11:56 PM
Just the usual high standard - wouldn't expect anything else!;) Good one

15th May 2006, 04:54 AM
One day Jasmin came to the garage and asked if I could build her a bedside table. And how could I say no to such a lovely little lady so its time to go to work. In the past I could easily make one with MDF, paint it purple and no worries she will love it. Now I just can’t do that stuff anymore. (not that’s anything wrong with it). Also Jasmin wont be a little girl forever so this one is made to last.

I didn’t want to buy more timber than I had to so the design was depended on what I had and their sizes. I kind of made it up as I went along. It is made from blackbutt, Tas blackwood, Tas myrtle and some “Bunnings Tas Oak”

The Tas Oak dovetails are a bit hard to cut. There are so many of them and the wood is so hard to chisel.

I wanted to do something different with the handles. It was a bit of an experiment really. I use some off-cut tas myrtle cut them on a bandsaw. I hope you don’t find it too arty farty.

The door panel is a bugger to make. Fitting the panel to the frame is so tricky. It is hard to get bevel angle and the depth of cut right. I reckon the degree of difficulty is right up there in the same category as finding an undie that fits you best. It needs to be tight enough to hold the panel in place but also loose enough to let it move around. :D I did have a hard time doing it but lets put it down to lack of experience.

Thank goodness for the LV LA block plane, shoulder plane and smooth plane. Fitting the door and the drawer was made a lot easier. Fit, trim, fit again and trim again…:cool:

To finish it off I used 2 coats of minwax wipe-on poly.

15th May 2006, 05:30 AM
Great work! Very nice dovetails you got there. :)

Wood Butcher
15th May 2006, 07:55 AM
Beautiful work Wongo!!!!
Thats one lucky little girl!

15th May 2006, 08:20 AM
Very nice Wong, she'll be remembering you every time she looks at it in the future.

15th May 2006, 08:29 AM
Wongo, I like the arty farty handles!


Auld Bassoon
15th May 2006, 08:58 AM
Great table Wongo - I like all those D/Ts :)

Wood Borer
15th May 2006, 09:14 AM
Good work Scott, it looks like she already appreciates it and will do more so in the future.

15th May 2006, 09:19 AM
Beautiful work Wongo. I love how the dovetails are such a stunning feature!.

Jasmine looks like she's having the best time fitting out her new beside table.


15th May 2006, 09:49 AM
not bad mate ( a bit of sanding and it'll be sweet) :rolleyes:

15th May 2006, 09:55 AM
Very nice piece and I think that the handles look good - arty farty is great when it is subtle:D .

Just don't show the pictures to SWMBO or there will be another job to do before I can get on with things I want for myself!

15th May 2006, 09:57 AM
Hi Wongo - I love the grain in the door panel and drawer front - and all of it! Great work, & I love the photo of Jasmine with it - how sweet! I'll bet she thinks her dad's WAY up there! She is a lucky little girl!



15th May 2006, 10:46 AM
Nice work. I especially like the drawer handle! :cool:


15th May 2006, 11:23 AM
Thanks guys for the feedback.:)

My mate Clinton wanted to know how it is constructed. It is made of 3 components, the top, the cabin and the legs.

The top of the cabin isn’t a full board. They are 2 boards 10cm wide, one in the front and one at the back. So the dovetails at the top aren’t all real. Well they are real pins but you know what I mean. :D

The camera flashes made the Tas Oak too pale and the blackwood too dark. The colours actually quite even. Polished Blackwood is so beautiful to look at.


15th May 2006, 10:21 PM
Wongo, re your comments about clearance on the panel. I use "space balls" These are about 3mm diameter and cna be easily deformed by the panel but they have a "memory" They will always return to their original size once the pressure dissapears. Rockler in the US sell them in packs of 100, they are cheapp and easy to get by post. Use 6mm clearance and it works like a charm IMHE

Al B
15th May 2006, 10:38 PM
Excellent work Wongo. Well Done

15th May 2006, 11:56 PM
Very nice work Wongo. Jasmin is going to appreciate the cabinet for a long time.

16th May 2006, 12:21 AM
Nice Job Wongo
What's next on the list?

16th May 2006, 10:00 AM
Nice Job Wongo
What's next on the list?

1.making a jig to sharpen the jointer and thicknesser knifes
2.building 3 barriers for the stairs and kitchen. Emily is starting to get mobile.:eek:
3.a dinner table (I need $750 worth of recycled timber.:eek: I am still trying to figure out an alternative:cool: )

16th May 2006, 10:06 AM
Very nice work Wongo. Like the dovetails. Don't get the bit about not all of them being real?? Mixture of woods looks a tad messy, but as you say, probably exaggerated by the photography. Love the handmade handles: they always look so much better than the bought ones. Have a greeny.

16th May 2006, 10:27 AM
Zen, the top of cabin is not a panel as it will be covered by the top. I cut some pins to fill in between the tails.

And yes the photography did not show the real look of it.

Wild Dingo
16th May 2006, 12:02 PM
I refuse to show my girlhoons this thread!!! I have 6 girls and all of them keep pesterin me to make them bedside cabinets wall shelving beds and what have you and now... aahhh shyte too friggin late!!... NOW thanks to our chingalese mate Ive got to make some!

Jasmine is spoilt! :p no seriously!! Jasmine is spoilt!! :cool: Well with a wonderful dadda makin her such fancy cabinets shes gotta have him wrapped around her wee tiny widdle finger doesnt she?

And before you do anything Wongo me ol china plate you gotta make little Emy bubby one too!! :cool:

Beautiful job mate and one to last her a life time well done :cool:

Ps... Im the same with the mdf... but will use ply if its grain is good ;)