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View Full Version : Ornamental Joints - Part II.

Sculptured Box
18th May 2006, 05:35 PM
Has anyone given any thought as to how these joints were made? They look as complex as the so called "keyhole" joints!


Tony Ward

19th May 2006, 12:54 AM
That is a beautiful chest. I especially like the effect he achieved by leaving the joints proud; however, I can't figure out how he cut the pins and sockets with no straight lines and managed to keep them so uniform. Also, which comes first, the tails or the pins? How do you scribe the curves from one to another?

19th May 2006, 02:23 AM
Maybe I'm nuts but the joint looks like one of the most straitforward of all of Master Kintaro's posted work. I think the pins were cut first then carved to shape. The picture does show how incredibly accurate his cuts are. There is no slop in those joints. I'm 38 - maybe by the time I'm 80 I can be that good.

19th May 2006, 08:08 AM
Can someone in Japan please go and sign this guy up for membership. We need him here!!!

Schtoo? Stu in Tokyo? ...

Sculptured Box
19th May 2006, 11:03 AM

I am happy to issue an invitation to The Master to join this Forum.

I will advise of his response.

Tony Ward

19th May 2006, 11:28 AM
Oh yeah...he speaks English: I forgot. Woopee!!!!

Thanks Tony!

19th May 2006, 12:28 PM
Looks great. To my eye it looks like a standard dovetail with just the inside radius chopped out:)

19th May 2006, 03:38 PM
I reckon his response to the invitation might be something like the first hand on the left!;)

19th May 2006, 04:52 PM
The box that close up is from of is "a safe" and has four levers under those joints. I think that the hands with fingers showing 1-5-3-4 must be the combination to open the box. There are only four knobs to pull, so the five can't be a knob number, perhaps they represent how far to pull out each knob to open the box: one finger length for the first knob, five fingers lengths for the second, three for the third, and four for the final...

What do you think? Or do you suppose the hands with fingers are just ornamentation with no particular meaning?


19th May 2006, 07:23 PM
Like this

19th May 2006, 08:03 PM
`n this

19th May 2006, 09:16 PM
Very Very cool! Now let's see you manage the sockets.

Really. Very, very impressed here!!!


19th May 2006, 10:09 PM
Marking the majik sockets (or coloring in or is it coloring it out:confused: )

19th May 2006, 11:40 PM
This darkside master using drill bits now. Wonder where he keeps his coping/scrollsaw saw lol.

Ok lignum point taken lol:D ;)

Found this thread last night, but it has no ending, maybe they just gave up.:eek:

23785 23786 23787


http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthrea...hlight=sangaku (http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=89638&page=1&highlight=sangaku)

HJ0:rolleyes:See they have to cut them like this.


Sculptured Box
20th May 2006, 10:58 AM
Response from Master Kintaro Yazawa

I am very surprised so many people in the world are interested in my joints.
I get many mails everyday which are asking to reveal my techniques.
I am glad but I have been worrying what I should do.

At the beginning I thought I could tell the secrets of my work to anyone .
But now I hesitate.
I might be a magician so to speak.
Magicians never disclose their tricks.
If I tell the answer, the magic loses it's fascination.
It might take away one's joy of guessing how the work is done, which may last through his life.

For that reason I am thinking I had better not to join your forum.
I am sorry that I disappoint you.
I think what I should do now is to create further works and show in my web page.

I feel hospitality of the forum members.
I highly value your forum.
Through your forum I became respecting Australian people and Australia as a country of gentlemen.

Please send my best regards to the members.

Kintaro Yazawa

End of Quote.

20th May 2006, 12:11 PM
And the finished join. I forgot to take a pic of the cut socket:( But after i transfered the lines from the pins i used the scroll saw and chisels to cut to shape and clean. The join is fairly straight foward, just requires some time and patience. Like all good joins and esp dovetails the trick is to make sure all the pins are straight so they will transfer accuratly to the sockets. If you get that right all will be ok.

As HJ pointed out a drill was used to get the inside radius on the pins and then after cutting them with a fine saw it was just a matter of cleaning up with carving chisels.

IT WOULD BE GREAT If this thread was used by others to post joins they have completed and share their tips and "secrets" unlike some others who think they are above sharing on a forum:( :p

So get to all you members and you know who you are:D Try a tricky join and post the pic. Im sure Zen, Tony, Clinton and HJ should have something up their magik sleeves to show us and kick it of:D :D

Sculptured Box
20th May 2006, 03:19 PM
IT WOULD BE GREAT ....So get to all you members and you know who you are:D Try a tricky join and post the pic. Im sure Zen, Tony, Clinton and HJ should have something up their magik sleeves to show us and kick it of:D :D


Well done with your joint, you've set a new benchmark for the rest of us to reach.

I agree that there is a wealth of talent out here, given the opportunity and encouragement craftsman (or should it be craftspeople (?)) such as yourself can create new Clever Joints.

As my craft is bandsawn boxes it might take a little while for my Clever Joints to evolve!

Tony Ward

20th May 2006, 06:58 PM
Nice one, Lignum. Have a greeny.

I'm kind of glad Yazawa won't just be blurting out the secret. It would spoil the fun.

Tony: could you please pass on our thanks, and maybe make it clear that he's welcome here, even if he doesn't give away his secrets.

20th May 2006, 10:08 PM
VERY NICE JOB on that joint by the way! I want to use it on a box soon... Beautiful work. Though, I think it would be more balanced if the dark wood had been left proud as well.

Nice one!

23rd May 2006, 01:50 AM
Lignum, well done!! Please show us your finished box when your done. I plan to make one for myself but will wait till I have a long weekend. I already have the wood and the end use of the box picked out. I dont have a scroll saw so will see how I fare in the darkside:rolleyes: .

I am sure most of you folks have seen this before but here is my shot at a puzzle (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?p=310892#post310892).

23rd May 2006, 02:15 AM
Sorry ddeen:o No box on the way, i was just keen to have a go at making that particular join as a challenge. Its all good fun:D

23rd May 2006, 09:00 AM
Sorry ddeen:o No box on the way, i was just keen to have a go at making that particular join as a challenge. Its all good fun:D

Ya gotta do it Lignum!!! It might possibly make you just the second person on the planet to create such a box - in the world of woodworking that would be pretty unique! Every idea I get has been done somewhere before. Would love to do something that special but have trouble cutting anything straight or flat!

23rd May 2006, 09:57 AM
TTIT:D Why dont you follow the pics and have a go:confused: :D . Lucky the join isnt straight. Youl never know till you have a go. You might just surprise yourself:D :D

23rd May 2006, 11:31 PM
This should stop you getting bored over winter.


Don't let it destroy your faith in magic, I hear it can last a lifetime lol:eek: :D

HJ0 Please enjoy;)